A new school Ok wait AN ALL BOYS SCHOOL

Chapter 26

Adam's Point Of View

Derek and Max went to go talk to Casey and Laura, but I didn't want to go. I couldn't face Casey after I just told her how I really felt and I couldn't face Laura after just breaking her heart. Derek's phone rang. Of course, it was Casey. "Hello?" I said. "Hey, Derek?" Casey asked to see if it was him answering or not. "Uh, no it's ... uh, ... Adam ... uh, ... sorry ... do you want me to find uh, Derek for you ... uh, Casey." I said. "No, Adam. Just tell him I called and that I want HIM to call me back whenever HE can!" She screamed. "Oh, OK." I said. Then she hung up the phone. That was a stupid move. If I wouldn't have opened my big mouth and I wouldn't have said anything about liking Casey then everything would be OK right now. Me, Casey, Laura, Derek and Max would probably all be watching a movie instead of all of this going on.
Casey's Point Of View

So, Derek was my boyfriend if he ever calls back so I can tell him that I still want to go out with him. Adam likes me more then a friend or sister...lets just say Adam has a crush on me and Max, he's just a jerk who kissed me and cheated on his girlfriend. Finally everything was falling into place in my mind and I cried about it all, until someone knocked at the door. I didn't look to good right now. My makeup was probably smeared and I probably had a red face and red eyes from crying, so I let Laura answer it. "Casey." I heard her whisper as she walked into my room. "Case. Max and Derek are here. What should I tell them?" She asked me sitting on my bed. "Tell them ... I went to sleep and I'll text Derek later about the dance situation." I said. "OK." She answered getting up and walking over to the door. She opened it and walked out. A few minutes later she came back in my room. "They're gone. Wanna watch a movie?" She asked with a smile. "Sure." I said. Then I got a text. From ... Derek of course. It said 'Hey, Case. We still on 4 2Moro? Adam said u called...Wat's up?' I grabbed my phone and went to the living room with Laura following. I called Derek since I guessed he had his phone back. *Ring ... * "Hey, Case." Derek said.
This time I was positive it was Derek. "Hi, Derek." I said. "Are we going to the dance together?" He asked. Wow, he got right to the point. "Uh, if you still want to?" I said. "Of course I still want to! Who wouldn't want to go with you, Casey?" Derek answered. That made me so happy ... until I started thinking. "Max." I answered. "Well, forgive him Case. He's a pretty nice guy and my best friend. He normally means well and he probably didn't know kissing you was cheating or that it would hurt you that bad. He came to tell you sorry, but Laura said you were sleeping and anyways why would it matter if Max didn't want to go out with you ... you got me remember?" Derek said. I wasn't sure if I should go with Derek's word and forgive Max, or ignore what Derek says and not forgive him. I didn't know if anything Derek said was true and I didn't know if I even wanted to believe it.
"OK. I'll forgive Max..." I could see Laura shaking her head no. She was getting mad. "But, only for you Derek" I said. "Thanks, Case. I love you." I got a huge smile on my face. "I love you, too!" I said excited. "You know, it's weird not being able to tell you good night in person and being able to watch you sleep in the morning. Remember me, Kevin and Steve?" Derek asked. "Yes! And how about...hold on real quick, K?" I asked. "OK." Derek said. I could here him singing 'My Girl' in the background while he was waiting. It was cute and he's pretty good at singing, too. I smiled a huge smile at Laura. "Laura. I love you." I started. "Love you, too, Casey." She said. "Do you love me enough to have Derek and Max come up here, watch a movie and either sleep on the couch and floor or go back downstairs to sleep?" I asked. "Casey. I don't know. Yes, but they're sleeping downstairs." She answered. "YES!" I screamed. "I love you double what I did, LAURA!" I screamed. I heard Derek.
"What?! I thought you loved me!" He screamed. I started laughing and so did Laura. She must have heard him, too. "No ... *laugh* I ... *laugh*" I started. "WHAT! You don't love me!" Derek screamed. "I do! I love you, Derek! I love Laura like a sister! And more because what she just said you and Max could come up here and watch a movie!" I said. "I'm sorry Case. I love Laura!" He screamed. My heart fell. What? Did he really mean he loved her ... or was he just joking. I didn't know and I didn't want to know. I hung up the phone and looked at Laura. "What'd he say?" She asked. "I told him about the plan and he said 'I'm sorry Case. I love Laura.' I don't know if he's serious or joking?" I said. "CASEY! HE'S JOKING!" Laura screamed. "Lets get the popcorn in. Find the movie and if the boys aren't here by then, call them and tell them to come up here!" I screamed. "Good plan!" Laura said and ran into the kitchen. She put the popcorn in the microwave and started it. "What movie?" I asked.
"Nick and Nora's Infinite Play list" Laura said. I grabbed the movie and put it in. I skipped right to the disc menu and looked at the door. No boys, yet. The microwave dinged. Laura got the popcorn and put it in the bowl. "See. I didn't think they'd be smart enough to come." Laura said. "Call them." We both said at the same time. "I'll text Derek." I said. I grabbed my phone and accidentally called Derek instead. His phone was off. "That's weird." I said. "What?" Laura asked. "Derek's phone is off." I said. "I don't know then." Laura said. I text Max. 'where r u? come on movie starting' I sent it and he sent back in 2 minutes. 'u still want us 2 come? Ur not mad cause Ur bf said he loves Ur bff?' Max text back. I thought for a second. 'no. he was joke right?' I asked. 'OF COURSE, CASEY!' Max text back in a minute or less.
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Please! I think this story isn't good and if I don't get messages/comments on it I'm going to end it at this chapter. I need at least 5 comments/messages to continue onto chapter 27 and if I get more...I'll work faster at chapter 27 and 28!!! PLEASE!