A new school Ok wait AN ALL BOYS SCHOOL

Chapter 28

Max's Point Of View

"You know what, guys. I think it's better if you both just leave...now." Casey said. Ouch. Hearing her say that hurt. "Uh. OK. Sorry, Case. Sorry Laura." I said pulling them both into a hug. "I'll see you two tomorrow at the dance, right?" I asked. "YEP!" Laura screamed. She was really excited. She probably had a date. I laughed to myself thinking that I was probably right. I walked out pulling Derek behind me so he couldn't kiss Casey, but I told the girls that it was because he probably would never leave. "Come on, Derek!" I said getting in the elevator. "What?!" Derek screamed. "Lets get back. I gotta get up early, so I wanna go to sleep!" I screamed, lying. "Whatever." Derek said getting off the elevator at our floor. "I'm so stupid." Adam said again and again sitting on the living room floor in the fetal position swinging back and fourth. "Um, OK?" I said and walked into our room. "Bye Derek!" I screamed. I was going to move all my stuff into what use to be Casey and Laura's room so me and Adam could have our own 2 people size rooms. We had the idea that we would move the other beds out of the room, ask permission and make the closets one closet. I couldn't do anything right now, or tomorrow, or Sunday. I would get permission Monday and get it done sometime next week. Right now, I just wanted to go to sleep so I laid on my bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep after I heard Derek close the door.
Casey's Point Of View

"Casey! Did you really just ask them to leave?" Laura asked me, mad. "Yes. Yes, Laura. Yes I did. They're probably going to get into some kind of fight about that so, I told them to go." I said. Laura ran over and hugged me. "What?!" I asked. "You finally learned to stick up for yourself!" Laura practically screamed. "Yeah, so?" I asked. "So, you can stick up for yourself! Good for you, Case!" She screamed running into her room. She screamed "I'm gonna change and go to sleep! Big day tomorrow!" and with that said, she closed her door. "OK, then." I said and walked into my room, closed the door, went into the closet, changed and fell asleep on my bed. She was right, tomorrow was a big day.
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Hope you liked it! I know the story's a big read because there's so many chapters but please don't let that stop you from reading!!! =D Feel free to email me at katieml2508@aim.com