A new school Ok wait AN ALL BOYS SCHOOL

Chapter 29

Casey's Point Of View

I woke up and went into Laura's bedroom. It was 9:00 and I wanted Laura awake so we could get breakfast early and then come back up here to pick out outfits. We also needed to get lunch later, then after lunch we would start getting ready. We could make something here for dinner before we leave, or when we're all ready we could get dinner in the cafeteria if we have enough time. I got our whole schedule for today planned out. I opened Laura's door and walked in. She was sleeping. I grabbed my cell phone from a table in the living room. I pressed speed dial number 5. *Ring ... Ring ... Ring ... "Hey." Max answered. "HI, Max! I need your help." I said. "OK. What for?" He asked. "I need you to come and wake Laura up." I said. "OK. Be right there." He said. "See you in like a minute!" I said. When I heard him say bye I said "bye" and hung up the phone. I opened my door and put a door holder there so it wouldn't close and lock. I sat on the couch and waited for Max to come. I didn't want to call Derek to come and wake Laura up because I couldn't stand seeing Derek kiss Laura...even if it was on the cheek.
I thought about what it would be like if something like that happened when I heard a knock on my door and someone walked in. I stood up and looked at them. I thought it would be Max, but it was his friend, Steve. I hadn't seen Steve or Kevin since the day those boys were jerks. "Uh, hey Steve." I said going over to him. "Hey, Casey." He said. "Here, take a seat." I said pointing toward the living room couch. "Okay Do key." He answered taking a seat on the couch as I said to. I sat next to him...well, on the other side of the couch. "So, no offense but why are you here anyways? And how did you know me and Laura moved up here?" I asked. "Well, I heard that you guys moved up here a while ago, it was a rumor but I wasn't sure if it was true until Max called me this morning and asked me to come up here and help you with Laura and he told me to tell you that he's sorry but he needed to pick up his girlfriend at the airport." Steve said.
"OK. Thats fine I guess. You don't mind kissing Laura on the cheek do you?" I asked standing up and walking to Laura's door. "I'm hurt that it's only on the cheek, but not at all." Steve said with a smirk and followed me to the door. I opened it and walked in with Steve following still. "OK.Go ahead. All you're gonna do is kiss her on the cheek and pull away. She'll get right up." I said. He smiled. "This is a job I'm going to enjoy." Steve said walking over to Laura. He kissed her on her cheek and pulled away smiling and staring at her. She got up and looked around. She saw me and got a confused look on her face, but when she saw Steve her look turned from confused to furious. "Steve. Could you give me and Casey a moment alone please?" She asked. "Yep, sure." He said walking out of the room. Laura got up and closed the door. "What the crap!" She said. "Why you get Steve to kiss me?" She asked. "I don't know. I needed you up." I said shrugging. "Well, it's a good thing Steve is my date tonight." She said smiling. "What!" I screamed.
No wonder Max called Steve to come up instead of Derek or someone. "Oh. Thats cool." I said and walked out of the room so she could change. Steve was sitting on the couch and watching TV. "So." I said sitting next to Steve. "So. Whats up?" Steve asked. "Whats up? The ceiling." I said. "No. Whats new?" Steve asked laughing a little. What? Whats up? I mean really whats up is the ceiling. "Whats new? Other then me and Derek being together, me having a crush on someone, Max having an old girlfriend, me getting mad at Max, me fainting, me and Laura moving up here, Adam saying he loves me, me forgiving Max and you and Laura going to the dance together not much. What about you?" I said as if all of that was nothing. His mouth dropped open and he stared at me. "Wow. So, you and Derek are dating?" He asked. "Yep!" I said smiling as big as I could. He chuckled a little. "Thats weird and who do you like or have a crush on?" He asked me. I knew that would be coming next. I didn't know what to say because I knew Steve would tell Derek or Max or someone and Derek would get mad, either beat the boy up, or dump me...or both. I didn't want that to happen. "It's nobody." I said looking away. "Case, you can trust me. I wont tell anyone, I promise." He said.
"You promise no crosses no tricks nobody else will find out unless I tell them?" I asked. "No crosses, no tricks, nobody will find out unless you say something." Steve said. "OK. I like ... Max." I said looking away and smiling and blushing a little. He didn't freak like I thought he would. "What?! No!" He said sarcastically. "What? You knew?" I asked. "Yes! You'd have to be dumb not to know that!" He said. "Wait, does Max know?" I asked. "I don't know. Derek does and that's why he gets so mad at Max sometimes, but don't worry about him." He said and just then Laura walked out and looked at us. I then realized that we were inches away from each other because I had just whispered that secret into his ear and it probably looked like we just pulled away from a kiss from Laura's point of view. "Hey Laura" I said backing away a bit. "Here." I said patting the seat next to me. "Sit next to Steve." I said. She glared at me, not a mad glare but a playful one. I smiled. She isn't mad. I thought. "Steve did you get breakfast yet?" I asked. "Nope!" He said. "Then lets go!" I screamed grabbing my phone and running out the door.
Laura and Steve followed as I dialed the number into my phone. I put the phone to my ear and called the elevator by pressing the down button. The elevator came and I got in. *Ring ... Ring ... Ring .. "Hello?" Someone asked. "Hey. Is this Kevin?" I asked right before Steve and Laura got into the elevator. "Yeah?" He said. "Oh, it's Casey." I said probably reading his mind because he was probably thinking 'who the heck is this?' "Oh! Hey Case!" Kevin said happily. "Do you wanna get breakfast with me, Laura, Steve and maybe Derek?" I asked him. "Yeah, sure. I'll meet you down there." He said. "OK, bye." I said. He said "Bye" and I hung up the phone. Laura and Steve stared at me as we went down in the elevator. They had no clue what I was doing. Now, I was text Derek.
My text said 'Hey, Der. Wanna grab food at the cafe?' I sent it and in about 2 minutes when we were in the cafeteria. It said 'ya. just me and u?' I frowned and Steve gave me a weird look. I texts back 'no. sorry. laura, Steve & Kevin r coming 2. we r just waiting 4 u & Kevin 2 come' I said. He texts back 'we r already there. we can see u guys.' I was confused. I looked around the cafeteria looking for Derek. I saw him at the usual table waving his arms back and fourth. He was sitting with Kevin, Max and some girl. Probably Max's girlfriend. "Great!" I said sarcastically. Steve looked at me confused and saw me glaring at the table. "Oh. Don't worry, Case, it's OK." He said giving me a hug. I saw Derek looking at us and it didn't look like he was to happy. "Derek! Steve, Derek is getting really mad." I said pulling away. "Oh, yeah." He said. We got our food and walked over to the table.
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did you like chapter 29??? hope so. please tell me if I'm doing a good job? i never really thought id ever be good at writing stories so if it's good, thanks and if its horrible, sorry! Ha Ha