A new school Ok wait AN ALL BOYS SCHOOL

Chapter 3

Casey's Point Of View

"I win!" I screamed, doing my happy dance. "Ha Ha. Just wait until next time." she answered giving me a joking push. We spent the day doing random stuff. Going to our favorite places and looking at pictures of the old times. Some were great memories...others made me cry. "Case! Laura! Time for dinner!" called my brother. We went and ate. We didn't know what to do. Josh sat and looked at us. "So, this school will be very interesting I guess." he said with a smirk. I could tell he knew something we didn't but I decided to be surprised. Time flashed by and before I knew it, it was 11:00. We went to sleep and got up extra early to get ready. "Casey. Case, get up. Your alarm is going off. It's 9:00." said Laura, still very tired. We got up and I found a cute black skirt and pink shirt from my suitcase. Then I brushed my long brown hair. Laura was wearing blue jean Capri's and a black shirt with a mini pink army jacket over. Her blond hair was up in a side ponytail. We both got our shoes; flats. I had pink and Laura had black. We ate breakfast and pulled our cases into the car. It was 10:00 am. I stopped in front of my house. I couldn't seem but to be a little sad. We jumped in the car and my mom was already sitting and waiting for us. She starting backing down the driveway and my brother came down chasing after us. What does he want? I thought."Wait. Stop!" he screamed. My mom hit the breaks and Josh smashed into the back of the car. He ran up to my window and banged on it for me to open it. "What?" I said once my window was all the way down. "I didn't get a goodbye or a hug" he said with his hands on his hips and tapping his foot. I opened the door, gave him a quick hug and slammed the door closed. When we started driving again I screamed out my window "Bye Josh!" and he smiled. "Finally! Bye!" he screamed smirking. As we drove away I started crying. I didn't want to leave, but I knew it would be a fun experience and that it would be better for me to leave. Going to a whole different place made me think. No one knew me. I could be whoever I wanted to be. I could forget about my horrible past and start new. It was the chance to be a whole new me and I couldn't wait, but I didn't want to leave most of my past behind.
Max's Point Of View

I woke up at 9:00 am to what sounded like 10 alarm clocks going off. There were only 3, but they were all around me and my brother's beds. Adam got up and turned off the two by him. He went and took a shower and I hit the snooze button on the alarm by me. I didn't want to get up and leave. I liked my life, the only problem is my dad. I wanted to stay, but I knew I had no say in the matter and I had to go. I got up and went to the other shower. Then, I got dressed and quickly dried and combed my hair. I finished about 10 minutes before Adam. When he was done he came to the kitchen in black pants and a button down shirt. I was in jeans and a blue t-shirt. We were eating waffles when my aunt came in the back door. It was time to go. "Come on boys. Get your things. It's about 10:00. You don't want to miss your flight." She said looking at us. We got our stuff and put it in her car trunk. I sat in back and stared out the window. Bye old life, I thought.
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Hope you liked chapter 3!!! Tell me what you think!!! Please comment or leave a message about it on my profile!!!