A new school Ok wait AN ALL BOYS SCHOOL

Chapter 30

Casey's Point Of View

I sat down next to Derek. Max looked at me and could tell I was mad. "Hi?" Max's girlfriend said with anger. Probably meant towards me. "Hi." I said with just as much anger in my voice as there was in her. "I'm sorry, what's your name?" I asked in a nice voice because Max was giving me a death glare. "Her name is Amanda." Max said quickly. "Oh, hi Amanda. I'm Derek." Derek said smiling. I elbowed him. "Ow!" He said. I smiled. "I'm Casey." I said with attitude. "Hi." Amanda said. "Well, I have to go get ready. Mandy, do you want to come with me now, or have Derek or Casey show you to my room later. Or maybe Derek could come with me and you could go with Casey? You know girls with girls and boys with boys?" Max asked. "Perfect idea, Maxy but first I need to go to the bathroom." Amanda said. "OK. I'll stay here and wait for you to come back so I can make sure you get back here OK." Max said. Amanda got up and said "Excuse me. I have to go now." And gave me a dirty look. I gave one right back and watched her walk out of the cafeteria.
"What the hell!" Max screamed at me. "Casey if you were jealous you could've just held it in and told me later you didn't have to be super rude to my girlfriend!" Max screamed again. "Me jealous? Of who, her? No, you're a jerk, Max I'm not jealous of Amanda. I feel sorry for her because she has to go out with a jerk who cheated on her." I said with hate in my voice. Derek put his hand on my shoulder. I stood up. "Well, I'm sorry but I have more important places to be and more important people to see other then my boyfriend and Steve and Kevin. You guys are so nice. Bye guys and Max, don't worry me and Laura will take good care of Mandy." I said glaring at Max as I left. I went to the bathroom and caught Amanda kissing some guy. She was against the boy's bathroom door and he was all over her. She didn't pull away, either. I glared and ran over to them. I didn't care how mad I was at Max. I still loved him and hated to see him hurt. I pulled the guy off Amanda and slapped her across her face. "You know what, bi***h? You can go to your real home...h*ll." I said punching her and giving her a bloody nose. She slid to the floor. I smiled and walked to the elevator happy of how I made her bleed. I got to my door and as I was unlocking it I got a phone call. From Max. Oh great, I thought now he's going to yell at me some more for punching out his girlfriend. When I answered it someone tapped me on my shoulder.
"The lady at the main office needs you, Casey." Said some guy I never seen before. "Can you help me down there? I don't know where the 'main office' is." I said. "sure." He said with a smile. I put the phone to my ear and said "Max. I'll call you back. I think I'm in big trouble, probably from punching that stupid Amanda you love so much." I said before hanging up the phone. I followed the kid to the elevator and once we got to the floor I followed him out and to the front doors. He opened them and there was a huge limo outside. "What the crap?" I said. Someone came from behind me and grabbed me. Spinning me around and hugging me. It was Megan. "Megs!" I screamed hugging her back. Then, Tiffany joined in. "Tiff!" I screamed. "Case!" They both screamed. We pulled away and looked at each other. Then I helped them with their bags to mine and Laura's rooms.
We could get extra beds and let them stay in our rooms, or we could take Max and Adam's place and sleep there. I thought. Yeah, I like the second idea. I took their stuff to Max's and Adam's room and unlocked the door, since I still had a key. I walked in and screamed. "Adam!" Adam walked out of his and Max's room and stared at me and my friends. "What do you need, Case?" He asked. "Can you and your brother sleep at mine and Laura's dorm so we can all have our own beds and we can stay down here?" I asked him. "Sure. You'll just have to talk Max into it." Adam said with a confused look. "Can you do that?" I asked taking Tiffany's and Megan's stuff to my old room. I opened the door and heard Adam say "Sure" In a confused voice. There were still two beds and nothing was being used, which meant that Max still stayed in the same room as Adam. Good. I thought. I put their stuff down as they looked around the room with joy.
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hope you liked chapter 30!!! Ha Ha =D like i said dont be afraid to email me at XandraKatie@aim.com

k bye! =)