A new school Ok wait AN ALL BOYS SCHOOL

Chapter 31

Casey's Point Of View

I could tell they loved the room. The way they said "Look at this!" And "Oh my gosh!" Kinda gave me the hint. I sat on the bed while they looked all around. It was fun to watch them freak out over things. "Hey! Megs, Tiff!" I screamed making them both stop in front of me. "Yeah?" Megs asked. "Whats up?" Tiff said. "Tonight there's a dance. You can come. We need to get ready right now though. It starts at eight. Come on, you can borrow anything you need from me and Laura, cause we're getting ready upstairs." I said. I could see the happy looks on their faces. They started to scream and that's when Max came running in. He gave me a death glare. I just shook off the bad feeling it gave me and shot a bad look back. Tiffany and Megan could tell we weren't happy with each other so Tiffany said, "Hi. I'm Tiffany. Who are you?" Max looked from me and looked at Tiffany.
His cold glare turned into a warm smile. "Max, and you are?" He said to Megan. "My name's Megan. Nice to meet you, Max." She said and when she said Max she looked at me. Max left the room. "I thought you liked him?!" Tiffany shouted. "Thats what you said on the phone!" Megan screamed. "Girls, just calm down and SHUT UP! I'll tell you all about it when we get upstairs, now come on!" I said getting up and going to the door. I walked out and Max was sitting on the couch. We gave each other another glare before I told Adam who was sitting next to Max that after the dance we would all get our stuff together and switch rooms. He agreed and said goodbye. I walked out their door with Megan and Tiffany following. "I can't believe you and Laura left them! They're so hot!" Tiffany said.
"Why would you leave to hot guys...you were living with hot guys!" Megan said excited. "And now, we're going to be living in their room until we go back home...whenever that is!" Tiffany added. "Yeah, yeah. Just hurry up!" I said getting into the elevator and pressing the top floor when Megan and Tiffany got in. We got to my room without any trouble. I unlocked the door and went inside. That was my first problem. Tiffany and Megan started attacking me with questions like "I thought you liked him!" And "Weren't you going out with him!" And "What happened! Did you leave him? But he's so cute!" Yes, the last question was said by Tiffany if you could tell. Megan isn't into the oh my god he's so hot thing. She's more quiet about who she likes...until he's her boyfriend. "OK. What happened was, he turned me down because he has a girlfriend." I said looking down.
Tiffany and Megan automatically felt sorry for me. "Oh my gosh!" Tiffany screamed. "I'm so sorry!" She continued. Megan just looked like she was planning something...probably revenge. "I've got an idea." Megan said with a scary smile. "What is it?" I asked. "We break him and his girlfriend up." She said. "I love it!" Tiffany screamed. "And then what? He comes crawling back to me?" I asked. "Yes!" Megan said like it was obvious. "One problem girls." I said. "Whats that?" Megan asked. "I got a boyfriend! Derek, Max's best friend." I said smiling my biggest smile. The girls started to giggle. "OK, but I still want revenge on Max!" Megan said. "Then, he can come crawling back to me!" Tiffany said with a huge grin. Me and Megan looked at each other and burst out laughing. "Oh my gosh!" Laura screamed running out of her room. She was in a robe and her hair was wet.
She just came out of the shower, you could tell. "Megan! Tiffany!" She screamed hugging them. "Laura!" They screamed back just as excited as Laura was. "Guys. We really need to get ready!" I said. "I'm getting a shower." I said walking into my room. I got a towel and went into my bathroom. I got a hot shower and when I walked back into my room wrapped in my towel, I saw Derek sitting on my bed. "Crap! I'm sorry Casey." He said covering his eyes. "It's fine. Don't be sorry." I said walking over to my dresser. I grabbed some clothes and walked back in the bathroom. This was a big deal. Luckily I had the towel. I thought. My cheeks were bright red, great. I got dressed and went back into my room. Derek was gone. OK? I thought. I had Tiffany and Megan go through mine and Laura's closets for outfits. They found some cute stuff and I found an amazing black dress.
It was beautiful. It wasn't really long, but wasn't a mini dress. It was sleeveless and had red lace on it. I got some red heals and red earrings. I asked Laura to go get me stuff for my hair because all she needed to do to finish was put on makeup. She came back 15 minutes later and I fixed my hair. I scrunched it and put the spray into it. My hair now had wash-out red highlights. It was perfect. I put on eye liner, red lipstick and red eye shadow. I looked good! I went into the living room. We had about half an hour until the dance. We made some soup and ate, then we were ready to go. I couldn't wait for Tiffany and Megan to meet Derek, or had they seen him earlier? No, they were in Laura's room getting ready. But how did Derek get in? I thought. "Come on! I can't wait!" Tiffany screamed running out the door. "Hey. Did you guys see Derek yet?" I asked when we got into the elevator. "No! But I can't wait to see him either!" Tiffany screamed again. "Nope, not yet." Megan said in a calm voice. "Duh! He was my roommate!" Laura said.
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hope you liked chapter 31!!! =D