A new school Ok wait AN ALL BOYS SCHOOL

Chapter 4

Casey's Point Of View

We finally got to the airport and I was so ready to leave my boring life behind. We had tons of friends but you could never tell if they liked you just for your money or not. That was a down point of being rich. The good points? I actually made a 'Top 10' list.
1.you get whatever you want
2. go shopping whenever you want
3. everyone knows your name
4. you're 'popular'
5. you get a huge house and closet and room
6. you get to go on the best vacations
7. you get to go to the best schools possible
8. all the teachers are nice to you
9. cost isn't an issue
10. everything you get is the best
Laura finally got me back to reality as we were going through the metal detectors. We had whatever we would need for our flight. We got first class tickets and we had to decide who would get the window seat. A good point about going is you get all the freedom you want and if you didn't like it...you could just call and go back home. We had half an hour to kill before the plane boarded, but planes always board early. We went and got a drink with my mom close behind. We got coke and sat at a table while 'our' mom told us about everything. She said that we would start school in a week...on Thursday. That meant we had 1 week to goof of. Then we get two days of school...then we got the weekend to do whatever we wanted! This was already looking great! They called for our plane to board. As I walked down the hall connecting to the plane I felt a bit guilty for being so happy about leaving my mom. She was always busy...but I loved her and when she was around not working she was pretty awesome. I felt a small tear as I thought about leaving my friends and everyone. Then when we went to sit in our seats I saw something that made me wish I wasn't about to cry. I tried to stop myself from bursting out into tears but I couldn't help it. Laura turned to me and hugged me. I glance at her and saw she was crying too. I grabbed her wrist and was about to turn back and tell my mom we were staying when the flight attendant told us to take our seats and buckle up. She showed us how to buckle up and then told us about the air masks we had. I put in my i Pod I had in my pocket and tried to block everything out. I was done crying in a few minutes...I looked at Laura and she was done crying too. I saw she was staring at the same thing as me. There were two boys right across from us and they were gorgeous! I couldn't believe our luck. I took out my headphones and nudged Laura. She turned and gave me an evilly stare. She turned when she heard someone say "Hi. I'm Adam." It was one of the boys across from us. She smiled and said "I'm Laura." "I'm Casey. Nice to meet you." I said reaching my hand for him to shake it but instead the boy next to him grabbed my hand and kissed it. "I'm Max." He said. We talked about random things: where we were going and if we ever flew before. Normal stuff to talk about. Max asked why we were going to California and I said "Boarding school." He smiled and asked why we were being sent to California for boarding school. I froze and looked at Laura. Neither of us wanted to say it was because we were rich and amazingly intelligent...cause then they might not like us for us and we didn't want to tell them about the past. So, I looked at him and said "Long story..." He said "Well we got nothing but time." He smiled and I said "Our parents sent us here to get us away from the old life." Laura looked at me. I winked and she understood. The boys just looked at us and Laura tried to whisper loud enough for them to hear "I thought we weren't gonna tell anyone." The boys looked confused. Me and Laura decided that we could be anyone we want to be in California. It's time for a new beginning. A whole new us. I guessed we would never see these boys again...so I decided to make up an exciting lie to tell them about us. To make us seem interesting, and so we wouldn't have to tell them what really happened. "My crazy ex-boyfriend wouldn't leave me alone. My mom hated him. She told me that they were going to get me away and Laura's practically my sister and I didn't want to leave and be somewhere totally new all by myself...so they sent her here, too." The boys laughed and Adam said "There's no way they would just send you away because of that. Your parents could just get a law suit saying he had to stay away from you." he decided to stop because he could see I was getting mad. "So. That's how we ended up here." I said looking at the boys. They totally believed it! I couldn't believe it worked...well actually I could. It wasn't a lie at all, I just didn't tell them the full story. "OK. I'm sorry. So, why are you going to a boarding school?" Laura said. The boys paused.
Max's Point Of View

These girls I just met tried to tell me some ridiculous story about why they were going to a boarding school. They said they got sent away. I didn't believe them for one minute but I acted like I did. Laura asked why we were going and I said "ugh. not again," and I put my head in my hands. Adam looked at me and said "my dad...doesn't want us anymore. He's sending us to live with my mom. She doesn't want us going to a public school...so she's sending us to a boarding school." I looked up and said "you didn't tell them the worst part. It's an ALL BOYS SCHOOL!" I said all boys school like it was the end of the world. "Well. I hope your roommates aren't gay...that would really suck." Casey said smirking. I gave her a 'not in the mood' look so she changed the subject. I looked over and saw Laura asleep with her mouth open. She shifted over and put her head on Casey's shoulder. I was wondering how long it would take Casey to notice...then she looked at me. I couldn't believe how beautiful she was. It was a miracle I got put in this seat.
Casey's Point Of View

Right when I was about to ask another question, I felt something on my shoulder. Max and Adam were staring at Laura...so I looked over. She was dead asleep on my shoulder. I didn't plan on waking her up because it was dark out. Adam was out in a matter of minutes and me and Max just stared at each other for a little while. We talked. He flirted and I tried to show him that he wasn't going to get to me but he couldn't take a hint. He tried and tried and after awhile I gave up. He was really cute and I really liked him. Even though I only knew him for not that long. I could tell he was really sweet. I told him I was going to sleep and he said "Good night. Sweet dreams." then he did something I would've never imagined. He kissed my forehead. I turned bright red and he laughed a little. "Good night." I said pulling out my i Pod and turning it on. I fell asleep not too long after.
Max's Point Of View

I thought about how horrible I always was with girls...but this girl was different. Around her, I wasn't all dorky. I was pretty cool. Before she went to sleep I did the stupidest thing possible. I went over and kissed her forehead. I was thinking she would think I was creepy or something...but then I saw her blush and smile a little. I laughed some because I couldn't believe it actually worked. I just didn't want to know what it would be like when she got up. It would very awkward. I was just glad I didn't have to see her after this. I ended up dozing off about half an hour after the incident.
Casey's Point Of View

The whole dream was of Max. I got up a while later but I didn't want to open my eyes just in case Max was up. I thought that after last night we would have a very awkward time. I peeked out of one eye and saw Max asleep. My i Pod was still playing so I shut it off and stared at Max while he was asleep. He was so adorable I thought. Then Adam whispered "what are you doing?" and I jumped a little. "What are YOU doing scaring me half to death?" I said staring at him. "Sorry." he said. Then I looked at Laura. She was still asleep and I knew how hard it was to wake her. The plane would be landing in California soon, so I had to get her up somehow. I tried a few things: I shook her, whispered to her...nothing. Adam looked and said "can I try something?" he asked. I said "nothing perverted." he said "none of that." So I replied "OK. go ahead." He leaned over and kissed her cheek. She got right up. "What?" She asked. I giggled a little. It was kinda cute. She was a mess and I felt bad, but I probably looked just as horrible. Max got up a few minutes later to see us land on the ground. He panicked a little and I could tell he was worried. I tried to calm him down and realized it was just weird. Adam said "he'll be fine in a few minutes." We waited. Adam was right about 2 minutes and Max looked normal...except his hair was a mess. I laughed at him as we got off the plane. Me and Laura got our stuff and saw a man calling our names...wrongly. "Casey and Laura Berling!" he was screaming. Laura's last name was Welding, not Berling. We went up to him just as we saw Max and Adam leaving with a woman, probably their mother. Before we got into the car Max came up to me and said "I'm probably never going to see you again...so" he said pulling me closer. He kissed me and I kissed him back. We pulled away and I was thinking: what an idiot. you barely know this guy and your kissing him. well...at least you're never going to see him again.
Max's Point Of View

I ran up to Casey and kissed her. She didn't run away, she kissed me back. I thought she would freak out and leave. I was hoping my mom didn't see, but I knew she did. She had eyes in the back of her head, so she definitely saw. I wondered what she would say.
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Hope you liked chapter 4!!! Tell me what you think!!! Please comment or leave a message about it on my profile!!!