A new school Ok wait AN ALL BOYS SCHOOL

Chapter 7

Casey's Point Of View

I unlocked and opened the door to tell the boys, but they were already pushing they're ears against the door. "So. You're staying?" they asked. "Yes." I said. "Is that going to be a problem?" I asked smiling. "Not at all." said Max, smirking. "OK. Well, there are some rules though." I started. "No touching us wrongly. No watching us change. No trying to do anything to us...anything at all." I finished. "Just no being perverted." said Laura. "We don't put up with that" I said. "OK." said the boys looking at each other. "And those rules apply to all your friends. And every boy at this school." said Laura. "OK." said both the boys. "OK. Good. Now lets just forget about that little flight we had and move on" I said. "Never to remember the past again." Said Laura. "Never!" said Max. "You don't have to forget it...just don't mention it." I said rubbing my head because of the massive sized head ache I had. "Oh. Come on!" Max said smirking. "Just don't tell anyone else about it...I don't want a bad reputation at this school." I said shaking her fist in the air. "No one else will know. And for the reputation...the only reputation you two will have is being the only girls." Max said. "Well duh!" I said. Then while the boys put their things away, me and Laura went to get something to eat. Nobody else was there yet, so there wasn't any problems with boys chasing us around. By the time we got back to the room, the boys were finished.
Max's Point Of View

They opened the door and saw us standing there. I guessed they knew we already knew about them staying. They gave us these 'rules'. They pretty much just didn't want us to be perverts. They said for us to forget about the plane trip, which of course I wanted to do, but I just couldn't. I told them that I couldn't and they said no telling anyone because they didn't want bad reps. Casey would have the reputation of kissing strange guys she meets on planes. Laura wouldn't really have a reputation. I still worried about my mom. What was she going to say when she heard that a girl I met on a plane and kissed was my roommate and her best friend was my other roommate? I couldn't tell my mom, she was mad enough after she saw me kiss Casey. She would absolutely freak about this.
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