And We're All Dead Now

Scene One

EXT. United States – Newscast – Stock Footage

M.O.S. News Anchor the Camera Man on rooftop. Anchor Woman talking. Camera pans to city below. Zombies run and roam, killing people.

Doctor (v.o.):
I know that this is difficult for you.

M.O.S. Camera trembles, and then pans over to the door leading to the rooftop. The door shakes.

Doctor (vs.):
But were not going to get anywhere if you don’t talk to me.

M.O.S. The door breaks open.

Doctor (v.o.):

M.O.S. Zombies burst through and jump on the Anchor Woman.

Doctor (v.o.):

M.O.S. The zombies turn on the Camera Man. Static fills the screen.

INT. London - Psychiatrist’s Office – Day

EMBRY COOPER, 21, lies on the couch in the small office. DOCTOR BLAKE WILLIAMS, 34, sits in a large chair, waiting for her to speak.

Were you informed of what actually happened in America, Dr. Williams?

I was told what was necessary.

Then you were told what they thought was necessary. Tell me, what do you know?

There was an outbreak in a testing lab that wasn’t quarantined in time. Those infected escaped after attacking the scientists and caused it to spread.

They make everything sound like a damn science fiction novel, don’t they? It was much more destructive than it seems.

Tell me what really happened then.

Aren’t you going to ask ‘How that makes me feel?’ like every other psychiatrist in this damn city.

You have to tell me something first, Embry.

How about we don’t get into the deep crevices of my psyche just yet.

Alright, it’s your time and money, not mine. Tell me about your life then, before all this transpired.