Moonlit Madmen


“This is all your fault!”

“Why do I always get the blame?!"

“Because you always get us into these situations, that's why!”

The two voices sounded frantic, but faint. I tried to see where I was, but I soon found that I couldn't open my eyes, nor could I move.

“Oh god,” I whispered as the two voices grew louder. I could hear footsteps on a creaky wooden floor. Soon it sounded like they were right next to me.

“Out of all the times you've messed up, you've never messed up this bad, and-” One of them stopped abruptly. He started whispering, but I could still hear bit and pieces. “Awake” and “quiet” were the easiest to understand.

Something clattered as I felt someone pull a piece of fabric off my head. I celebrated my renewed sight by frantically taking in my surroundings. I was strapped to a table made from the same dark wood that covered the floor and walls. There were sinister-looking jars scattered in-between the rows of books on shelves, and loose papers, yellowed with age, were strewn across a desk. Standing on either side of me were two men.

“Where am I? What happened? What have you done to me?!” I screamed at them.

The taller one looked down as he said, “You're in a safe place. I lost control... And I killed you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Why yes, this IS extremely short. I promise, further chapters will be longer.