Moonlit Madmen



The tall man furrowed his brow and looked at me.

“I killed you. You're dead,” he said, looking like he wished he was anywhere but there.

“Actually,” the other man said, ignoring me completely, “she's undead.”

My jaw dropped. He must have been insane. They both were. They had to be. There was no way I had died, and even if I had, there was no way I'd be tied to that table, being spoken to like I could hear them. They were delusional.

“Who are you?” the taller one asked, brushing his shaggy black hair out of one eye.

“I was about to ask you the same thing,” I replied. I had no idea who these men were, and they had me strapped to a table in a room I'd never been in before.

They looked at each other over my head. The shorter man stroked an imaginary goatee before nodding at the other.

“My name is Curtis. This is Erik,” the tall man said, gesturing at the other man's black and white striped shirt. Erik smiled faintly at me before looking away again.

“Thank you for the intro. I'm Kass... Nice to meet you.” I was going to be as nice as I could, in hopes that they'd set me free.

Curtis smiled warmly at me, the moonlight surrounding his head in a halo shortly before his eyes flicked wide open and his head was flung backwards. His mouth opened and an inhuman howl filled the room.

I quickly looked over at Erik, who was busily unbuckling the thick leather straps that held me against the table. He looked panicked as he fumbled with the metal fastening, all the while Curtis' howling grew louder.

Erik repeatedly swore under his breath when Curtis fell to his knees, ripping at his already torn clothing.

“GET OUT OF HERE!” Curtis growled, glaring at us out of the corner of his eye.

I tried to get off the table, noticing that I had been freed, only to fall on the floor.

“What's going on? Why can't I move?”

Erik picked me up and headed towards the door, yelling “In case you haven't noticed, you were ripped apart and sewn together, and only recently reanimated! It's going to take a while for you to regain full use of your body!”

I turned my head to look at my arm. Sure enough, there were stitches holding pieces of it together.

Shocked and scared out of my wits, I asked “What's happening to Curtis?”

“See for yourself.”

Erik turned, partially so I could see the room, partially so he could mess with something on the wall. Just before a portion of the wall swung around, taking us with it, I caught a glimpse of a gigantic, hairy creature.

Curtis was a werewolf.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm... I really should write longer chapters.
But they're so much fun this way!