Status: Finally complete 2/16/2011

Dreammakers and Heartbreakers

Out for Blood

At the studio, I opened the door and walked in.

"Hello?" I called out.

"Hey." James came out of the break area with three bottles of Coronas.

"Hey James, um DJ called me and asked me to come here."

"He's in the back with Nikki."

He meant the office. He handed me a beer and I was on my way. I got along with everyone except for DJ's girlfriend. Kat Von D , Nikki's girlfriend, has plans for a tattoo for me even though Rona does all of mine. I headed to the back and knocked lightly on DJ's office door.

"Come in."

I opened the door and walked in.

"Hey, you needed me?"

"Yeah, um Nikki, can you excuse us for a second?"

I instantly got nervous thinking that he would fire me.

Nikki nodded and stood up. "Nice dress, date?"

"Yep, thanks."

"You should wear dresses all of the time."

I broke out in a smile, shaking my head as I sat in front of DJ.

"What's up?"

"Um, I don't know how to tell you this?"

"Are you about to fire me?"

"No, of course not. You are a wonderful assistant. I was online earlier and my curious side kicked in since you said the guy you were dating was trying to get his band signed. I was thinking maybe I should listen to his music and maybe help if it wasn't completely shitty. i searched the name and this website came up."

"Okay, what website?"

"A pornography website."

"No way."

"Come here, I'll show you."

I stood up and walked around his desk to his computer. He typed in Davey's name and a website did come up. I leaned forward as he clicked agree under 'You must be 18 years or older to enter this site.' I was fully aware he was staring at my cleavage. Davey was in each frame with a different girl that had videos. Mine was last except my video section was blank.

"That fucking asshole." I muttered low. "DJ, do you think you could print these out for me?"

"Yeah, sure." He started the print process.

I was hurt because I thought I could trust Davey but I was wrong. DJ finished and handed me the papers.

"Thank you DJ."

"Um, I'm sorry you had to find out that way."

"It's okay, it's better that I found out now instead of later when I would regret it."

"What are you going to do?"

"Go confront him, break his nose, and maybe break that nice little camera he has."

"Deidre, you know they have professionals to help you with that."


"Your anger issues."

"Hey, at least I get the job done."

"Whatever you say."

"I'll see you tomorrow after I call Marissa for the dates and venue info."

''Okay, did you guys get the buses arranged?"

"Yeah, you and James on Nikki's bus, it makes working on the new album easier."

I found out when tour time came I worked with Sixx:A.M and Motley Crue with a small group of people to make sure everything was flawless.

"Thank you, my super assistant."

"No problemos boss." I said walking out.


When I arrived there was another car in the driveway. I cut my engine and got out adjusting my dress along with the papers. If I wasn't wearing my heels I was likely to kick the door off of it's hinges Dane Cook style. I rang the doorbell and waited patiently. The door opened and there stood a beautiful brunette wearing Davey's shirt.

"Where is he?"


"Where the fuck is Davey?"

"What do you need with my boyfriend?"

"Oh, this is just great. Just get him and I'll explain everything."

She looked at me very wary as she called him down.

"Coming Bianca." He yelled downstairs. A minute later he came down with a huge smile but that was instantly wiped away when he saw me.


"Yeah, Deidre." I damn near growled at him. "So, is she another woman on your website?"

"Listen, I can explain."

"Fuck explanations!"

"Davey, what's going on? What is she talking about?"

"Your 'boyfriend' and I use that term very loosely has been filming the models he tricked and seduced. He posts the videos on I was almost next but my boss called me and told me about it."

"Is that true Dave?" She looked so hurt that I felt bad.


"I knew you would lie and that is why I had my nice boss print the pictures of the website." I handed them to Bianca as Davey looked like he could strangle me to death.

"Oh yeah, get mad. Touch me and I will fuck your world up!" I yelled at him starting to get more pissed by the moment. Bianca must have seen herself because tears were streaking down her cheeks.

"Davey, you are a fucking asshole." She rushed him and slapped him so hard that even I winced. She ran upstairs.

"You fucking cunt, you ruined everything." He grounded out.

"What did you just call me?" I walked up to him not intimidated.

"A fucking cunt." He got in my face which was the biggest mistake he could ever make. I pulled my fist back and swung with all of my strength in my 5'2", 110 frame and brought it back. I could feel one of my fingers dislocate as my fist collided with his nose with blood spurting out. He fell back as Bianca walked downstairs.

"You better be lucky I wasn't wearing my brass knuckles." I bent down to his level as he held his nose. "I hope you will think of me next time you decide to exploit another woman."

Bianca was smiling but still not satisfied, she delivered a swift kick to his abdomen eliciting a groan from his lips.

"Thank you for warning me. I'll never see this fucker again."

"No problem, Bianca." We both walked out together leaving Davey on the ground.

I got into my car and drove home.
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