Status: Finally complete 2/16/2011

Dreammakers and Heartbreakers

Threats and Promises


I was in the tour bus putting my things away. LaRona and I had a tearful goodbye. We hadn't been apart for more than two weeks. I'll miss her of course. I grabbed my I-Pod and turned the music on while laying down on my bunk. I was listening to 'Paper Gangsta' by Lady Gaga when I saw DJ come to his bunk which was next to mine and sat down. He looked like he wanted to talk, so I popped my earbuds out of my ears.

"What's up?"

"Can I ask for some advice?"

"Sure." I turned off my I-Pod and sat up.

"I've been with Marie for like 4 months or so but there is someone else that has caught my eye and I really like her but I don't know how to approach her. What do you think I should do? Stay with Marie or get rid of her and take a gamble with a woman who I don't even know if she likes me back."

"Well DJ, you need to figure out what would make you happier. It all boils down to your happiness." Cat was the one that popped up in my mind.

"Thanks for the advice." He flashed me a crooked smile and got up walking out of the bunk area.

I laid back and relaxed tonight we will be at the first venue and then my job would pick up. It will be insane and I know this trip would drive me nuts. Marie was on this one with us since the last back up singer started her own career in music.

I got my cellphone out to call Rona. She quickly picked up.


"Yo cuz, what are you doing?"

"Relaxing with Carey."

"Awww, so adorable. I'm stuck on a bus with Marie."

"That sucks big time."

"Yeah, so my life suck so much right now. It's all good as long as I make it through this trip."

"Oh, I almost forgot, Bobby called.

"Oh really?" Bobby was pretty much my high school sweetheart.

"Yep, he's in Vegas."

"Did you give him my cell number?"

"Shit yeah."

"Cool, I've gotta see how he's been."

"I miss you."

"I miss you too, but I'm going to take a nap."

"Okay, peace bitch."

"Peace whore."

I closed my phone placing it by my pillow. Marie walked into the bunk area and sat in DJ's bunk. I resumed looking through my I-Pod. Her staring started to get on my nerves.

"May I help you?" I looked at her.

"He's mine."

"Excuse me?"

"DJ is mine, so stop staring at my man."

"Marie, if I wanted DJ, believe he would've been mine when we first met. It's not even that serious."

"Well, if you mess with him-"

I rolled my eyes before interrupting her.

"Listen, like I said, I'm not trying to steal your boyfriend and I don't do well with threats so if you touch me, your ass will be in the hospital."

"Marie, what are you doing?" DJ just came back.

"Nothing, just talking."

"Is that so? About?"

"Girl stuff. I answered for her before putting my headphones on and closing my eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bobby's pic changed!