Status: Finally complete 2/16/2011

Dreammakers and Heartbreakers


I stood in the corner sipping my 5th Corona while watching everyone mingle. My normal personality is bubbly and outgoing but when I'm in a crowd of people I don't know I get really shy. I watched as DJ and Marie made out on the couch. For a couple of people who fight like cat and dogs if you give them alcohol they hump like rabbits. I should've brought Cat with me because I was really lonely, but taking Cat from her job would have been really selfish of me. I felt my phone vibrate against my chest so I fished it out and walked outside. I looked at the number seeing the Vegas area code, being drunk I forgot who lived in Vegas


"Hello, may I speak to Deidre?"

"This is her, who is this?"

"Bobby Sustersic."

"Oh my God, hey sweetheart."

"How is my beautiful girl doing?"

"I'm doing good just on Cruefest tour for my boss."

"That is fucking awesome."

"How are you?"

"Doing good, living in Vegas now."

"I heard, I was thinking of visiting when we stopped by Vegas."

"That sounds like fun, I have plenty of trouble for us to get into."

"We will see."

"Okay, well I've got to go. Just text me later."

"Okay bye dollface." I hung up my phone and walked towards the tour bus because I was bored. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and changed into something different. I sat down on my bunk and reached under my bed pulling my laptop out.


30 minutes later.

I had my headphones on chatting with Rona online while my music on I-Tunes were downloading. I saw DJ get on the bus out of the corner of my eye. He was without Marie. He walked over to me and pulled off my headphone while sitting on my bunk. I looked at him strangely.


"Yep." I nodded.

"Good shit."

"Thanks." He took them off and handed them back.

"Why did you leave the party?"

"I'm shy around a who bunch of people I don't know and it doesn't help that I get starstruck. When my ex called I decided to come back and relax."

"It's hard to believe that you get starstruck and shy."

"I know, I'm weird like that."

I looked back at my computer.

"What are you doing now?"

"Looking for a photographer to do a set for me because I signed for I need the extra cash to pay Cat back."


"She's fronting the money for my South Carolina trip."

"I was meaning to ask you, what's in South Carolina."

"When I turned 16, my daddy was killed and 4 years later my mommy followed behind him. So, every year I go back and put flowers on their graves and visit my annoying family." I wiped a stray tear.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, you didn't know."

"That's terrible to lose your parents."

"I know."

"Whatever you need just let me know."

"Don't worry."

"Also, Nikki is a photographer."

"I don't think that is a good idea."


"Check out real quick." I turned the laptop to him. He typed the url and it popped it up.

"Nude modeling." He looked shocked.


"That is sexy."

I giggled and turned off I-Tunes.

"So how are you?"

"I'm holding up. This tour is pretty lonely."

"I know. We can all hang out tomorrow the show."

"Who is us?"

"Myself, Marie, Tobin, and Jacoby."

"That's okay, I would rather not hang out with your crazy girlfriend."

"She's not crazy, just jealous."

"I don't dig jealous girls, it's a sign of insecurity and immaturity."

"She is really nice, I swear."

"Ummm, I don't think so." I stood up and tugged down my shorts. I didn't notice that DJ was looking at my ass.

"I'm running out for a smoke." I grabbed a jacket and threw on some sneakers. My cigarettes were in my front pocket so I didn't worry about it. DJ got up and stood up behind me.

"I might as well get back to the party."

"Okay. "

I opened the bus doors and lit a cigarette walking off. DJ got off behind me and walked back to the bus. I stood there wand watched as he rejoined his party.