Status: Finally complete 2/16/2011

Dreammakers and Heartbreakers

Job Hunts Suck

The next morning I was on the balcony of the our shared condo smoking a cigarette looking through the ads for employments. There were some positions that I knew that I wouldn't get because I was overqualified or not qualified enough. I crossed through those and the ones that I knew would judge me by my appearance. The door opened behind me and I turned to see Rona walk out sipping coffee.

"Want some coffee?"

"Nope, I'm going to Starbucks when I go to check out this music store."

"For a job or music?"

"A little bit of both."

She grinned. "So have you called that guy?"

"Nope, not yet."

"Why not? You need the money?"

"Not as of yet and you know how shy I am around hot ass boys."

"Awww Dee-Dee has a crush!"

"Shut the front door!" That was my expression for shut the fuck up.

She busted out laughing.

"Well, don't wait until it's too late k?"

"Si chula." I stood up ashing out my cigarette.

"By the way I need a touch up on my ink." I turned around and showed her the tat that was on my lower back.

"Well I am buying new ink today and my tat gun will be here by tomorrow."

"Also I need you to draw up a new draft for my right arm sleeve."

"Ink junkie."

"You are one to talk." I nudged her newest tattoo on her elbow.

"Whatever." I moved past her and went into my room to start my day. God this was going to sucks.


An hour later after picking up a double mocha cappuccino, I was at the music store looking through the collection of hardcore and metal section. So far I managed to pick up Motley Crue's 'Saints of Los Angeles', Killswitch Engage's newest album, Lady Gaga (for Rona) and Between the Buried and Me. I grabbed a new Misfits hoodie and headed up front to pay for my purchases. When I got in line this guy came up behind me and I swear he looked familiar but he had on shades so I wasn't sure.

The cashier looked at me and her mouth dropped.


"Yes?" I stared at her for a second until finally it clicked.


"Yep." I smiled warmly and hoisted myself up on the counter to hug her. I hadn't seen her since she left South Carolina two years ago. We met at Spencers, her job at the time and bonded instantly. I hugged her tightly, not wanting to let go.

"How is life girl, girl?" She asked while ringing me up.

"Good, I moved out here two days ago."

"Wow, what are you playing, a Fender still?"

"Actually I broke that at a gig, I fucked up the fret."

"Hitting someone with it. I now play a Ovation and a a Gibson.

"Very nice, even though you are a little crazy. That'll be $35.00."

"Isn't that like over $45.00?"

"Family discount, act like you know." I handed her my credit card.

"Do you know any good places that are hiring?"

"Not at the moment but I can find you something."

"I would love you beyond forever." She handed me my credit card back and I signed the other receipt. She handed me my bag while taking the pen and writing down her number. She handed me the receipt and I tore a piece off and wrote my number on it.

"Call me, K?"

"I'll tell Rona you said hi."

"Fucking kick ass, we have to do something tonight."

"Of course."


"Bye bye." I turned to see the guy staring at me.

"Excuse me." I said politely as I maneuvered around him with a smile plastered across my lips. I left the store.


As the day progressed I had three job opportunities. They weren't what I wanted because two of them required that I changed my hair color and appearance and the other was low paying like minimum wage. I was discouraged but I couldn't give up.

Just open your eyes
Just open your eyes
And see that life is beautiful.
Will you swear on your life,
That no one will cry at my funeral?

I heard 'Life is Beautiful' blaring from my Blackberry. I picked it out of my purse and saw a number that I didn't recognize. I answered it.


"Hey Dee, it's Cat. Tonight we are celebrating."

"What are we celebrating?" I, of course was clueless.

"I found you a great job with a friend. How do you feel about working for a lead guitarist from a great band as his personal assistant."

"Personal assistant means prostitute doesn't it?"

"Nope, he has a girlfriend, you will be on call 24-7 though but he is paying good money."

"When do I meet him?"

"Actually, he invited us out."

"Okay. Where?"

"Torch, it's a bar/lounge."

"Okay, dressy or casual?"

"A little bit of both."

"Okay, love you girl!" I was so excited.

"Love you, too, bye."


I called Rona unable to contain my excitement anymore.


"Okay, I have two of the best news we've heard in a while."


"One, Cat lives here and works at the record store."


"Yep, she's here."

"What's the other?" she nearly squeaked.

"I get to meet my future employer tonight."


"So are you coming out with me?"

"Sure where?"

"Torch, bar/lounge very chic I hear."

"Hot, I'll get ready when you get home."

"Okay. I'll be home in a few."

"Okay." I unlocked my Civic door and turned off my phone. I had to call Davey on my way home to find out when I could model so that I could buy this replacement amp for both of my guitars. When I turned on my car 'Van Nuys' by Sixx: A.M started to play loud enough to startle me. I turned it down and called Davey.

After a few rings, he finally picked up.


"Hey, it's Deidre. The girl from the restaurant."

"Hey." He sounded more relaxed.

"Hey, I was calling about the photoshoot, can we meet and talk about it?"

"Well right now, I'm kind of busy. Would you like to meet in the morning for some coffee and talk about the shoot and possibly other things."

"Yeah, sure."

"Starbucks at 10?"

"Sounds great."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright bye."

"Bye." I hung up and drove back to my condo to get ready for my very interesting night.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have been thinking that since I haven't gotten comments on my other stories nor this one recently, I might just stop posting chapters for a while until I get some. I love everyone who does read them and comment and subscribe but it makes no sense for others who read them but refuse to give me feedback.

Oh yeah! I do own that Civic for realz. I love my coche! Anyone wanna see my baby can check it out on myspace. My name on there is just add and I'll accept because I love making new friends and things like that. .