Status: Finally complete 2/16/2011

Dreammakers and Heartbreakers


In New York, I was backstage working when my personal phone went off. I saw a number I didn't recognize so I answered it.



"This is her, who is this?"



"No wait, I'm calling to apologize. I'm sorry that I hurt you."

"Whatever Davey, you were going to put me on a porn site." I was about to hang up.

"I was going to but I saw that you were different and I was going to take the site down. I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend."

"Davey, how am I suppose to believe anything you say?"

"Because it's true. I really like you."

"What do you expect from me?"

"A second chance, the site is gone and I want to start fresh with you."

"I'll think about it."


"Yeah." I hung up and finished my work.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and whipped around ready to slap the fucker in the face.

"What the fuck?" I then saw Rona and Cat standing there with large smiles on their faces.

"OH MY GOD!" I yelled and hugged Rona first gripping onto her tightly. Cat got between us and I hugged her as tight as I did Rona.

"I am so excited to see you whores."

"How's the tour?"

"Good, how did you guys know we were here. I didn't know until a few days ago."

"DJ set this whole thing up because he knew you were lonely and he flew us out here."

"Oh my God that is so sweet." I felt like crying simply because that was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.

I wiped away the unspilled tears.

"Aww, you are about to shed bitch tears." Cat had to always start shit with me.

"Shut the fuck up bitch."

She smiled.

"I see the girls made it." Dj came around the corner.

"Thank you so much, Dj." I hugged him.

"No problem."

I didn't realize the tears in my eyes were falling until I pulled away and feeling my cheeks were wet.

"Don't cry, go enjoy hanging out with your friends."

"Thank you again."

"Stop thanking me and go."

"Let's go shopping, we are going to find you a decent man." Rona stated while locking arms with me.

"Oh God, no." She laughed.