Status: Finally complete 2/16/2011

Dreammakers and Heartbreakers


I was doing my usual backstage making sure that DJ's dressing room was fixed up just the way the he liked it. I wrote a note to pick up more guitar strings. Passing his phone, it went off rather loudly alerting that he had a new text. I couldn't help but be nosy.

"DJ, I am so sorry to have accused you of cheating. I love you, Marie."

I know they would eventually get back together. It was the way his relationship with her went with her. I heard the doorknob turn so I moved away from DJ's phone as he walked in.


"Hey, your phone was ringing." I was trying to play it off.

"Thanks." He walked past me to get to his phone and looked at it. "I'm surprised that you aren't off having fun." He looked at the text but didn't answer it back.

"Well, I still have to work."

"I understand."

"When are we headed back to LA?"

"In 5 more days for time off for two weeks and then back on the road."


"Can't wait to get away from us, huh?"

"No, one of my childhood friends is expecting me to visit, he's in this awesome band."

"Awesome, which band?"

"Yeah, he's from Dope. He's a bassist and backing vocals."

"Awesome, I've heard their music."

"Yeah. Well he just moved to LA."


"Do you need anything else?"

"Nope, I'm good. Did you stock up the fridge?"

"That is the last thing. I'll be right back."

"Okay." I walked out of the dressing room and headed to the tour bus to get the bags of Heinkein I bought earlier. My cellphone alerted me that I had a new picture message. I pulled out my phone and saw a message from Derek.

I opened it to see a more recent picture of him and Branden. He looked amazing and I couldn't deny the tiny butterflies in my stomach when i saw his pic. A new message popped up that said "Ur Turn". I turned my camera phone on myself and took the picture. I put his number in as the recipient and then sent it. Just as I bent down to get the beers, I heard someone behind me.

"I'll get those." It was DJ.

"No, it's okay. You are going to have a rough night."

"I don't want you to re-injure your hand."

"Okay." He got both of the cases.

"You want to know what is weird?"

"What's that?"

"You've been working for me for well over 2 months but I don't know how much about you."

"What do you want to know?"

"What brought you to LA?"

"I was planning on starting a band like the one I had in South Carolina. Music is my main reason for being here but i haven't been doing much of anything."

"What would you do in your band?"

"Vocals and lead guitar."

"That's awesome. I heard you talk about your guitar before with Cat."

"That was you in line. I knew it."


"Well, one's an Ovation and the other is a Gibson maybe someday I'll show them to you."

"That would be cool."

"DJ, can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah sure."

"When you came to LA was it difficult to get inspired?"

"A little bumpy at first but I was able to get in the flow of things later on and then years later I met Nikki and James."

I nodded.

"Why do you ask?"

"I was wondering whether to give up, go back to college, get a degree, and get a job."

"Never give up."

"Easy for you to say, you are already in a successful band." I heard my phone go off again alerting of an incoming text. I pulled out my phone and looked at the message. It was from Derrick again.

'Looking good beautiful, you have poor Branden fanning himself over here.'

I laughed which turned DJ's attention to me.

"What's so funny?"

"I have some goofy ass friends."

"Cat and Rona?"

"Nope, Tripp and Branden."

"Speak of the devils."

I sent back a message and closed my phone looking up to see Rona and Cat walking up.

"How you living girl?" Cat asked.

"Bien mami, y tu?"


"Rona, we gotta talk."


"I'll see you later DJ." I said.

"Okay, see you."

We walked down the corridor to head back out to the buses just so we could talk privately.

"So what's up?" Rona asked.

"Derrick is living in LA."


"What the fuck is a Derrick?" Cat asked already confused.

"Derrick 'Tripp Lee' Tribbett is Dee's childhood friend and crush that is of the opposite gender."



"Well, I think I may still have for feelings for him."

"You know Derrick only sees you as a friend."

"DJ hasn't made a move yet and I haven't seen Derrick in about 3 years things could change. I am not saying that I will end up either one but i am keeping my options open okay?"

"I can deal with that."

"Besides that Marie is just around the corner."

"That bitch is not coming back."

"She loves him Rona."

"The question is does he love her?"

"I don't know."


"It will all be determined some point."

"Until then you can relax your little head."
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