Status: Finally complete 2/16/2011

Dreammakers and Heartbreakers

The Boys

When I arrived home, I walked into the kitchen to see Rona and Cat eating breakfast.

"Hey sluts."

"Hey, did you have fun last night?"

"We wrote songs, talked, and hung out."

"What did you talk about?"

"He likes me more than I thought and wants a relationship."

"What did you tell him?"

"I told him I would think about it."

"Aww, Derrick wants you."

"And the greatest part is, I've known him since I was 5 and I know that he wouldn't hurt me like most of the jerks I've met."

"So, it's down to DJ and Derrick?"

"Yeah, fuck Davey, he's a bitch anyways."

"Good girl."

I sat down.

"Did you have sex with him?"

"Oh hell no."

"Why are you wearing his shirt?"

"He gave it to me." I sniffed it smelling his scent.

"Cute, are you going to see him tonight?"

"Yep, I don't know what he has planned."


"Hopefully DJ has me working early, if at all."


Later on that night...

I was relaxing since DJ hasn't called me. My cellphone went off and I picked it up.


"Hey beautiful, are you busy?"


"Well I am finished rehearsing and the guys want to meet you."


"Yeah, I'm pissing them off by talking about you way too much."


"So will you come?"

"Yes, but you need to give me better warning so I can get all cute for them."

"1) You are already cute. 2) You should be getting cute for me and only me. Just get ready and meet me at the studio."


"See you soon."

20 minutes later, I was sitting in the parking lot really nervous. My anxiety was starting to get the best of me so I called Derrick.

"Where are you?" He picked up.

"In the parking lot my anxiety is acting up."

"Need me to come outside?"


"I'm coming."


I hung up and took a deep breath as I saw Derrick come outside. He approached my car and opened the door.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"I'm nervous."


"This is Dope dude."

"And you've known me for so many years and I just want you to meet my bandmates and friends."

"Well, you have to hold my hand."

"Consider it done."

I got out of the car and he took my hand. He pulled my hand up and kissed my knuckles causing me to blush.

Once inside of the building we were walking down the hallway.

"Don't be nervous. They are great guys and they will love you."

"Okay." I calmed myself as we walked into the room.

"Hey guys, this is my childhood friend and future girlfriend Deidre."

"Hello." I waved shyly.

I smiled as Derrick introduced me to Edsel, Virus, and Angel .

"She's gorgeous and not blonde, I approve." Edsel said. That caused me to look at Derrick and laugh.

"Damn." He said shaking his head.

"So how old are you?" Edsel asked.

"25, same as Tripp." I decided to use his nickname.

"Nice, now how are you sure that Tripp is the man for you? I mean I am a good-looking guy."

I giggled and buried my head into Tripp's shoulder.

"Although that is true since you are pretty hot. I've known this man all of my life."

"I promised this beautiful lady some quality time so we are going to go."

"Nice meeting you guys."

"Nice meeting you too." I started to turn around but caught Edsel staring at my ass.

Derrick took my hand and we walked out together to his car.

"You did great."

"Thank you."

"Wanna go to the club?"

"Actually, I just want some quiet time with you."


"Let's rent movies."

"Sounds good to me. What genre?"

"Action, horror, and comedy."


"You welcome."

We got in his car and headed to the nearest Blockbuster.
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Comments please? And only one chapter away from Deidre's heartbreak again!