Status: Finally complete 2/16/2011

Dreammakers and Heartbreakers

I'm Not Wearing Any Pants.

At the house I was helping DJ out of the cab since he passed out on the way to his house. I planned on dumping him on his couch and leaving but now that I am here I couldn't do it. I got him in the house and led him upstairs.

"DJ, which room is yours?"

"Third room to the right." He muttered sleepily.

"Don't pass out on me just yet." I helped him down the hallway and got him semi-safely into his room. For a skinny man, he was heavy as hell. I let him plop down on the bed in front of me. As I helped him pull off his shirt, I noticed that he was staring at my cleavage. I rolled my eyes and went to unbutton his leather pants.

"I'm not wearing any underwear." He was at least coherent to say that. I stopped and bent down to unbuckle his boots. I heard a light thud and soft snoring before I looked up to see him out like a light. I moved his legs so that he was laying in the bed completely. I went into his bathroom and found a glass for some water, which I filled up immediately before searching for some painkillers. I noticed that I had to pick some up before I come back to work tomorrow. I got two out of my travel pack of Tylenol in my purse and walked back to his night stand placing the items down. Pulling out my cellphone I pressed Cat's number on speed dial. It went straight to voicemail after a few rings.

"Cat, I'm at DJ's can you come get me when you get this message?" I sent it and then walked downstairs to go watch some t.v.


She's going to kick your ass."

"I didn't mean not to come get her last night."

"She's cute when she sleeps."

"Maybe you should ask her out DJ."

"Shut the fuck up Cat, I'm still hungover."

I opened my eyes to see Cat and DJ talking about me. I looked around and saw that I was laid out on the couch with a blanket I didn't remember getting draped over me.

"Cat, what the fuck man?" I groaned and sat up slowly.

"Well, hello to you too beautiful."

"Damnit Cat, you could've picked up your phone last night."

"I'm sorry, I met this guy last night."

"Ditched me for a fucking guy?" I nearly yelled.

"I didn't get the message until this morning, I'm so sorry Dee."

"It's okay, just take me home so I can change and come back later."

"You don't have to." DJ said nonchalantly.

"But I need the money, DJ."


"Bills and a trip to South Carolina."

"Don't worry about your trip."

"It's important to me."

"Why?" he was prying but I didn't want to voice why it was so important to me.

"You wouldn't understand or care, screw it, fine. I'll have the day off." I walked outside to Cat's car. What I didn't see the look Cat flashed at him. The 'Your an asshole' look.

She got in the car and I looked at her.

"Just take me home. I guess I won't be to take my trip." I looked out the window very sad.

"Deidre, if it helps I'll bank roll the trip just pay me back later, okay."

"How could I take that amount of money from you?"

"Because, you are one of my bestfriends and it will make me happy to know that I helped with something that important. So when will you need it?"

"By January 3rd, so I can reserve a hotel room and get the airline ticket. I promise that I'll pay you back."

"No probs." She smiled.

"Thanks Cat."