I Arranged Myself a Marriage with a Vampire …. By Mistake


Next evening I woke up early, but when I got out of the closet I saw that Athen was already gone. It seemed like he didn`t want to see me after the scandal last night. I still was angry about the non sense he said, but according to my plan I had to pretend that nothing happened. So , I needed to gather some strength to face him. I rushed directly in the bathroom , where I spent about an hour. Not that I loved to soak with hours until I feel like seaweed, but I didn`t want to meet my future husband so soon. But at last I really felt like a part of the sea flora. I put one ugly red bathrobe on, wondering who actually chose it. Well, apparently that man didn`t have a taste similar to mine.
Unfortunately, when I got out of the bathroom I met my future husband the blood sucking monster itself. As I found out a few seconds later his night began even worse than mine, because one of his beloved belongings had been stolen by someone.
“ Someone had taken my coffin!” , spat angrily he when he saw me
I tried not to laugh. Of course that everybody needs to posses such a treasure as a coffin.
“When did this happen?” , I asked
“Well, I had a meeting with a messenger half an hour ago, I had to receive a letter and now I`m coming back and my coffin is gone!!!” he sounded really helpless and angry
“Sorry to hear that…” , I answered and tried to look really concerned
First-thing-to-do of my plan was be nice with the enemy.
“Did you hear or see something?” , asked Athen
“Nothing at all” , I shook my head , “ I was in the bathroom.”
He growled and hit the wall . His formed a little crack on it. My eyes widen – pretty impressive.
“It must be Noah !” , hissed he
“Noah?”, I smiled , “ I don`t think he could do that.”
“You don`t know him as I do.”, Athen frowned , “ He likes to make stupid tricks.”
But I still didn`t believe Noah would do something like this. What could his possible motive? He liked Athen`s coffin more than his own? Non-sense!
“Sorry about this.” , I said instead
He gave me a weird glare. He couldn`t believe I was so nice.
“Whatever”, Athen frowned , “ I`ll try to find out something about my coffin.”
I nodded and he left the room.
I sat on the bed. Not that I really cared about his coffin, but its disappearance was weird. The thief was a vampire indeed. Only a creature so strong could bring out such a heavy box without to hear him.
Someone knocked on the door.
“Yes!”, I shouted and in the same time I realized I was wearing only a bathrobe
I cursed myself thousand times, hoping my guest was Greta. Unfortunately it was Noah.
He seemed really surprised to see me like this. I gave him apologetic smile and tried to wrap the stupid robe tighter.
“Oh, I`m sorry”, said he with a smile , “ I was looking for Athen.”
“Um, he`s not here.” , I mumbled, “ His coffin was stolen and he went to search for it.”
“Stolen?”, he giggled
I laughed too and that helped me to hide the feeling of uneasiness. Noah was a gentleman, he would never say something about my “clothes” , but in the same time I felt awful. For a moment of silence his green eyes were like glued to my legs.
“ Soo…”, I tried to speak about something, “ Sooo, you`re not angry about the escape? I mean it`s not Greta`s fault. I convinced her.”
“No,no!” , he shook his head and sat next to me , “ She is old enough.”
He was so close that I could felt the cold coming from his body. It was calming and disturbing in the same time.
“I`m older than her.” , I protested
Greta was 16 and she definitely wasn`t that mature. For first time I felt guilty about the whole stuff.
He caught my hand.
“ Don`t worry about this now.”, Noah smile was really friendly, “ Just promise me not to do this again. Just don`t go out like this.”
“Why?” , I tried to read the answer in his eyes, “ Is there something dangerous?”
I failed at reading his mind. Noah just like Athen didn`t show any emotion that could help me to find out something.
He just smiled and tossed my wet hair.
“ Do you want me to send you Greta, so she can help you with the dress and your hair?” , asked he
Usually she did all this for me, but now I wasn`t in the mood to act like a doll.
I shook my head.
“ I can handle it.”
He stood, still smiling.
“ I`ll try to find your fiancé “ , the word “fiancé” sounded derisively

Once I found myself alone I rushed in the closet and tried to find a dress. The first one that popped in front of me was a forest green. A calming color. I quickly put it on.
A disturbing idea formed in my mind. When I saw Athen this evening he put some kind of letter in one of the drawer in his desk without to lock it. The whole story with the coffin made him careless.
He said he had met a messenger… Maybe that letter contained something important.
I opened the door and examined the corridor. It was completely empty. Then I went back to the desk and opened the drawer. The letter was there. I took a deep breath and began to read.

“ Dear cousin Athen, it said (well, well , another cousin….)

It is my duty to inform you that the enemies are coming. Our spies found this information yesterday. Daray has sent some of his murders. They should be on their way to the castle. Inform your dear father Magrat immediately. You know that Daray wants to see my beloved uncle dead from centuries. Now hearing about your coming weddings he may find a way to penetrate in the castle. Be extremely careful.

Your cousin,


The East Clan was heading towards the castle. Perhaps Magrat had also heard something about that and that`s why he canceled the weddings. But who was this Daray? The head of the East Clan?
But why our fiancés didn`t tell us anything? As for Athen I was sure that he didn`t really care for my safety or maybe he thought that if I learn about it I`ll freak out. But he didn`t know me at all. Greta could freak out and shiver about her life, but not me.
I heard a crack of a door and Athen`s voice.
“ What are you doing there?”
I quickly threw the letter back in the drawer and caught some kind of book. I turned to him and showed it.
“ I was searching for something to read.” , I answered quickly and took a closer look to the book
Shakespeare`s sonnets. I as long as I remembered we had learnt some of them in 10th grade , but I didn`t remember nothing at all.
Athen frowned as he glanced at the small book with red covers.
“ I didn`t know you read love poems” , I teased him laughing
He grabbed the book of my hand causing me a slight pain. I moaned.
“ Just dare to say anything else and I`ll smash your head in the wall!”, hissed he in my face

I just broke my first-thing-to-do. I bit my lip and dropped my eyes.
“ I`m sorry. I didn`t mean to say it this way.”
Actually I really felt sorry.
Athen didn`t say anything.
“ Maybe someday we can read the sonnets together. I would love to .”
I still didn`t look him in the eyes, waiting for his answer.
“ Maybe.” He said at last
He pushed me aside and the book back in the drawer and locked it.
“Did you find your coffin?”, I asked
He shook his head and went in the closet. In a minute he came out with a new red shirt.
I still felt guilty. Maybe I was too harsh with him.
“ Noah was here.” , I said quietly hoping that Athen could pay attention of me, “ He said he want to talk with you.”
He gave me a short glance.
“ Thanks, I`ll find him.”, answered Athen
Minutes later he was out of the room


My life in the castle was the hell itself. I could be free only in my room… um pardon.. in our room. And still there were places here that I weren`t allowed to visit. Outside the room everything was unfamiliar for me . Sometimes when I walked through the corridors, I met various unknown vampire faces. I didn`t know them, but I was sure they knew me. The weird mortal who terrorizes poor Athen.
Well, I guess it was a normal reaction. My so called fiancé was one of them and they all were beautiful, stylish monsters. I just couldn`t adapt myself here, I couldn`t forget where I come from. And I was simply amazed that Greta didn`t care about her family and friends. Or maybe she was so deeply in love with Noah. Maybe if Noah was my fiancé I would feel better here.
But now I felt alone. It was a strong cold feeling, that I`m living in a huge marvellous prison. I could talk only with Greta and Noah. She was a cute girl and if I had met her earlier we could become real friends. But now the situation was different. Noah had a sense of secure. He was always so gentle and a good listener, but sometimes I felt some kind of tense when he was with me.
I tried not to think about it anymore. In moment like those I needed Greta so bad. Only her vitality was able to make me feel better.
I checked myself in the mirror and the result was passable. I hoped Greta would be satisfied with it.
I closed the door carefully. To reach Greta`s room I had to pass the whole corridor, then I had to turn right and climb the stairs. But exactly on those stairs I met the creature which I didn`t want to meet at all. I almost stumbled over one of Athen`s aunts.
I couldn`t make out what was she doing here. The elders lived in another part of the castle .
She glared at me with her yellow eyes and I took a few steps backwards.
“Where are you going?!”, she hissed at me
Man, her voice was so husky and sinister that I wanted to escape.
“ To Gret-ta`s roo-om.”, I stuttered
She waved her hands as if she wanted to slap me. Her long awful nails seem dangerous.
“ You useless wretched human!” , she screamed , “ You are planning to cause more troubles to our family! Buf if you try to discredit us one more time I swear you won`t …”
“Enough!” , I heard Athen`s voice
I had no idea how he got here, but now he was standing between me and her.
“Athen!” , she reproached him , “ Pull yourself aside, please.”
Fortunately he didn`t. I tried to hide behind him completely. This mad woman and her yellow eyes terrified me.
“ Please, don`t insult my fiancée , aunt.” , said Athen
“ She is a burden for the family! “ , shouted she angrily , “ She don`t deserve you!”
Well, if someone ask my father he would said that Athen didn`t deserve me.
“ Please, aunt.” , continued he with respect, “ We all know she is imperfect as a human, but I am completely satisfied with her. Please respect Amber.”
“Respect!? Respect!???”, she was screaming and shaking as a mad woman
“ Yes, respect!” , Athen`s voice became colder, “ Come, dear.”
He caught my and dragged me upstairs.
Once I we disappeared from the aunt`s sight , we stopped. I leaned on the wall and sighed. I couldn`t really stood steady.
“Thanks a lot” , I muttered to Athen
He just nodded.
And actually, he just saved my life. Man , he said so nice things!
“ Are you okay?”, he asked and held my arm
“ Wow, yes.” , it wasn`t really true , “ But really really thanks.”
“ You`re welcome.” , he answered, “ But where were you going?”
“ I was going to see Greta.”, I took a deep breath and realized I finally could stand on my feet

He suggested to escort me. Perhaps he was afraid I can meet some of his relatives again.
So, we both headed towards Noah`s and Greta`s room. But there we got another surprise. The lovely couple was dressed up and ready to leave.
“ Noah and I will have a romantic dinner in the red hall. Only two of us!” , jumped happily Greta
The red hall as you can guess was huge sophisticated room with red walls. I had only heard of it.
Noah glanced at me and my fiancé .
“ But since you are always busy,” said he to Athen , “ Amber could come with us. I don`t want her to feel lonely.”
Greta`s enthusiasm faded.
But before I could refuse politely, Athen cut me off.
“ I am sorry, but I and my dear future wife will have our own romantic dinner… on the roof of the castle.”
My jaw dropped. I really wanted to react somehow.
“Oh.” , Noah gave him a polite reserved smile
“ Yes.” , continued victoriously Athen, “A really romantic dinner.”
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