I Arranged Myself a Marriage with a Vampire …. By Mistake


The preparations for the dinner had been made quickly, so meanwhile I had the chance to enjoy the view.
It was a beautiful night with warm wind. Down there in the city, I have never been able to see the stars. They were always hidden behind the tons of dust in the air. But now they were all around the dark sky and they were so bright, that I couldn`t stop thinking I want to reach them with my hand.
And still I wasn`t completely happy. There wasn`t anyone with me who I can share this experience with. Enjoying the night sky on your own was quite lonely occupation.
I was wondering what were doing all my people right now. I hoped that they were happy. I needed to know that they were happy.
Athen announced that the dinner is ready. I had to leave my observatory.
A man served the dishes in front of me. Athen held a crystal glass full of red liquid. I preferred to think it`s a cherry juice. I heard a gentle quiet music, but I couldn`t define its sorce.
We sat and began to eat. Not that I was that hungry, but I had no idea how to act. Athen took a sip of his drink. He watched the landscape and I stared at my plate.
“It`s a beautiful night.”, he said quietly
“Definitely”, I responded chewing
“ I love the wind.” , continued he glancing at the dark mountain , “ It gives a feeling of freedom.”
“ Yes, wind is nice, unless it blows against you and your hair adheres to your lip gloss. It`s awful then.” , I shook my head and drank some water
Athen gave me a weird glare as if I ruined something. I felt bad and preferred to stay quiet. At least we didn`t argue.
I looked him. He looked like a marble statue. When his eyes met mine, I turned my head.
“What are you thinking?” , asked he
“ Nothing particular.” , I smiled nervously
“Do you like the meal?”
“Oh, yeah, it`s really delicious.” , I answered
This peaceful talk was extremely strange. I had to feel relieved, but somehow I felt tense.
“Nice dress.” , noticed Athen
For first time I chose it on my own. Yeah, my fashion sense was the best!
“Thank you!”, I bent my head , cause I didn`t want him to see me blush , “ I like your suit too. Is it new?”
“ No.” , he left the glass on the table, “ I wear it on special occasions.”
We continued speaking about meaningless stuff. But it didn`t matter what we do, this was everything but not a romantic dinner. I must admit Athen tried hard to behave well, but it just didn`t work out. We both were bad actors.
I knew Athen arranged this dinner just to compete with Noah and to prove our relationship is better, but… we have no relationship first of all. And while Noah and Greta probably had fun, we were sitting here trying to look like a real couple.
I put the fork in the knife in the empty plate and glanced at Athen.
“Let`s just stop!” , I said, “ It`s too awkward .”
After a minute of silence he answered.
“ Yeah. It`s true.”, he sighed
“ But we can try to talk about regular things. Like friends.” , I tried to cheer up him
“ Like friends…” , repeated Athen looking at the sky
But we didn`t talk anymore. We didn`t even look at each other anymore. Okay, he didn`t look at me anymore! I was afraid I insulted him somehow. I didn`t ask him, because he seemed so thoughtful.
At last I just grabbed a cookie from the table and returned to my observatory. The place was still the same like an hour ago. The sky was so dark, the stars was so bright and I felt so sad. Maybe I shouldn`t come back here again.
I felt him standing next to me.
“You look sad.” Noticed Athen
I just nodded.
“Why? Why are you sad?”, he demanded to know, “ You`ve got everything here. I`m treating you well.”
“ I`ve got everything except freedom and my family.” , I answered quickly
I heard him growling.
“ Soo, it`s all about your freedom!? You want to escape, huh?!”, he hissed and I felt the venom in his words
“ You know that I can`t!”, I shrieked in his face
“ Oh, really!? And how am I supposed to know that?!” , he shouted back
“ OH, really??? So you won`t try to kill my dad one again, huh?”
All my strength was gone. I turned my back and bit my lip. A few tears fell from my eyes, but I made no noise.
“ Try to kill your father once again? What kind of non-sense ?”
This time he was confused.
I inhaled.
“ Will you deny that you and your people tried to kill dad?”
“ Of course I will.” , Athen seemed even more confused, “ Nobody has ever tried to kill your father.”
“Yeah and I came in this castle on my own free will.” , I said ironically
“ Didn`t you?”, he asked
I wasn`t sure if want to cry or laugh.
“ What? Are you crazy? Bram and Dominic said that my father will be dead if I don`t marry you!”
I turned to face Athen. His face was shocked.
“No.” he simply said
“Yes.” I nodded and brushed my tears
He still watched me in disbelief.
“ So, they didn`t tell you that?” , I asked trying to be calm
Athen shook his head.
“ All I knew was that you were stupid little pretentious girl .”
Well, that explained why he glared at me like that the first time we met.
“ So , you have nothing to do with the whole thing?” , I asked
“ No. I didn`t know. I`m sorry. It looks like my father is doing something behind my back.I`ll talk to him later”
“ NO, don`t!” I screamed, “ Just leave the things the way they are now.”
I felt a sudden fear. I didn`t trust Magrat. I was sure he would do anything to give me a good lesson for talking too much.
Athen gave me confused look. Perhaps he was thinking that I was going mad.
“ Okay, okay.” , he tapped my shoulder and gave me a hug
For first time I felt him like a friend.
“Thanks.” , I said when I moved away from him
Athen went back to the table and when he returned he gave another cookie.
We both didn`t say anything probably for a half an hour. I stopped staring in the sky and began to examine what was happening down there. But it was so dark, that I couldn`t see anything.
All of sudden Athen murmured something. I looked at him.
“ Did you just say something?” , I asked
He looked as he was struggling with something invisible inside of him.
“ I know how you feel.” , repeated he finally , “ I know what is it to miss someone you love.”
I remembered the day that I and Greta escaped. The portrait of the beautiful woman who was Athen`s mother was still vivid in my memories.
“ Yeah, your mother, right?” , I said and his eyes widen, “ Greta told me she was murdered.”
He took a deep breath.
“ She wasn`t murdered, Amber. She commited suicide.”
“What?!” , my jaw dropped
“ She never got used to the idea of being a vampire. I had to watch her depressed and sad everyday. Years passed one after another and she still suffered. Until one day she couldn`t take it anymore.”
“It`s… it`s awful.”
I had not I idea what should I say. I just knew that I didn`t hate him anymore. I just couldn`t.
“ Don`t worry.” , he smiled, “ I am alright now. Many years passed since then I managed to cope with it somehow.”
“ You`re a brave guy.” , I smiled
He laughed for first time. His laugh was so honest and beautiful.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” , I answered, “ Can I visit my parents on Friday?”
“ This Friday ?” , his smile faded
I nodded.
I felt awful that I spoiled the beautiful moment with this request. I felt so selfish.
” Yes, but not alone.”
Ah, I forgot the East Clan.
“ Yes, I`ll ask Greta.”
“ No, not Greta.” , he shook his head, “I`ll come with you.”
Okay, that was problem. Greta was easy to mislead, but Athen wasn`t.
I shook my head. I couldn`t help, but feel like a traitor.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for all comments!!! You made me the happiest girl ^^
This chapter is kinda short, but my poor computer was attacked by thousands viruses and he ( the computer is male ;] ) is almost dead o.O
It`s my fault after all . I killed him, T_T
Let`s see what else.. Um yeah. I attended my first Aniplay . It was awesome!!!
Bye, bye for now.