I Arranged Myself a Marriage with a Vampire …. By Mistake


I knew I was the happiest girl ever. A modern Alice in Wonderland. Nobody was as blessed as I was.
I turned my head to north. The most beautiful mountain was spreading its tops almost reaching the sky. Do you know the clouds can dance? I was so happy when I discovered it.The cool wind over the mountain made the clouds dance. And even sometimes the wind was talking to me. The leaves from the trees too. But still the sun was their best friend. They talked to it always, because it was closer to them than me.
Then I turned south. Wheat field in a hot summer day. The coolness from the mountain disappeared when the sun kissed my forehead. This sun, the second sun loved me. We talked a lot. And sometimes the wheat sang to us songs of endless summer and freedom.
In the east part of my world was wintertime. The little river was frozen and the little bridge over her was covered with snow. In the beginning I was wondering who may live in the wooden hut near them . But after awhile I found out there was nobody living there. The hut itself was alive. Its chimney smoked every time when I turned to see it. When I talked to it, the house never responded, but I knew it was listening carefully. The snow was hugging tight the ground around it, making the landscape even more beautiful.
West side brought the sensation of spring. It was an apple tree garden. Cute red apples were smiling to me between a sea of green leaves. Maybe I loved the west the most.
That`s why I was the happiest girl ever. I didn`t really remember since when I lived here, maybe I was born in this world.
And yet I wasn`t allowed to move from the center of the world. I couldn`t walk to any of the fourth places. I stretched my hand so many times to touch the wheat, but it was still far away from my touch.
Today I was sitting on the ground watching the apple garden when I saw a stranger coming. Wait a minute!? There weren`t any human beings in my world! Perhaps he was an invader.
“Amber? Amber?”, called he
Eventually the stranger knew me. He finally stood in front of me, looking at my eyes. I looked him back without to show any interest. The joy in his eyes disappeared.
“Amber, are you okay?”, he asked
“Sorry sir, I don`t talk with strangers.” , I said, “ Please make sure you`ll leave my world as soon as possible.”
Then I spoke to the apples.
“Don you think it`s weird?”, I asked them
“ It is, it is.”, responded the apples
“Amber! What`s the matter with you?”, hissed the stranger
I turned around not to see his face.
“How rude! I asked him to go and he is still there!”
“How rude , how rude.” Agreed the apples
“ Yeah, humans bring only troubles.” , I shook my head, “ We don`t need them here.”
“They are bad, they are bad.”, said the apples
All of sudden I felt pain in my cheek. Second later I realized that the stranger had smacked me. I couldn`t really react, because he grabbed my shoulders and shook me violently.
“Amber, Amber! Who are you talking to!? Wake up!”
He hit me again and then one more time.
“Hey, hey, stop!” , I tried to push him away
Well, I actually did it, but when he removed his hand of me, I lost balance and fell.
I lied down there for a few long minutes, trying to collect my thoughts. When I opened my eyes I wasn`t in my world anymore.
Instead of the apple garden I saw green red wall. No mountain, no wheat field, no winter landscape… just colored walls. Then I stopped my eyes on the stranger. But he wasn’t stranger anymore. His traits were familiar to me.
“Athen?” , I spoke slowly
He sighed with relief and hugged me.
“ I thought you were gone mad.”
Well I still wasn`t sure if I am alright.
“ How did you get here?” , I asked confused
He smiled and looked somewhere above us. I saw the hole which was the only one light source in the room. It was too high to climb for a human, but vampires could fly, so… it was obvious.
Suddenly I heard steps coming to my room.
“ Hurry, Athen,” I pushed him , “ Go home, they`ll catch you.”
I couldn`t even move him. Athen just caught my arm and stopped me.
“ Hello, I didn`t came to visit you! I came to rescue you!”
Someone opened the door and the psycho came in. His usual stupid smile disappeared when he saw Athen.
“ You!”, he shouted and pointed at him
Athen literally threw me in the corner a second before they began to fight. Not that I really saw what happened. I just hugged my knees and closed my eyes, pretending that I don`t hear their roars. Suddenly they stopped. I tired to hear something, even the slightest sound that shows what happened, but I couldn`t.
A hand tapped my shoulder. I jumped and clenched my fist ready (to try) to fight. But it was Athen.
I saw the psycho`s body in the other opposite corned of the room.
“I-is he de-ead?” , I whispered terrified
“I`m not sure.”, frowned he and caught my hand, “ Let get out of here!”
“We can`t!” , I stopped him , “ How could we both fight against all them??”
He laughed and tossed my hair.
“Silly you. Of course I didn`t come alone!”
Athen dragged me out of the room with colored walls. Running through the corridors after him I realized that he actually knew the way out. Perhaps he had been here many times before. I mean before he meet me, before the problems with the East Clan begin.
My legs were moving, but my mind was completely unaware of the danger. I was thinking about Athen. He surely was a great guy but I couldn`t get to know him well. I mean, yeah I knew his character, we lived together for a month and a half. But what was his past, the things that make him cry, the things that make him laugh? I knew none of it.
All of sudden Athen stopped and stumbled against him. Just then I saw the reason which had made him stop.
A few meters in front of us stood Victor and a bunch of other vampires.
“Our little Athen has grown up.” , smiled he
“Thank you, and if you don`t mind we are in a hurry.”, answered Athen
“ It would be lovely if you stay a little more.” , the smile disappeared from Victor`s lips , “I didn`t expect from you to be that stupid and to come here alone.”
“ Who said I am alone?”, Athen rose his eyebrow
I knew that vampire`s super speed shouldn`t surprise me anymore, but when I found myself surrounded by vampires, I just opened my mouth and refused to close it. Even Noah was there.
“Well, I`m impressed.”, Victor clapped his hands, but I still doubt you`ll get out of here alive.”
Yeah, that made sense.
“Let`s make a dial!” , continued Victor, “ I`ll let your fiancée go, if you fight with me. I suggest a duel like in the old good times.”
Athen nodded.
“What, are you crazy!?” , I hissed in his ear
Athen was strong indeed, but not as strong as Victor. It would be a great lie if I say that he could beat him.
“Don`t worry.” , he said and turned to Noah,” Take care of her.”
Noah nodded.
“Hey, hey! Stop doing this!” , I shouted
I felt Noah`s hand on my shoulder. A second later ran with me like mad.
I could clearly hear the shout “Get them!” and then the beginning of the fight.
Noah pushed me in a dark corridor and then we went down some stairs. Athen opened a black old door and we both came outside.
We were in a garden full of rose bushes. Sun was going to set. I looked around. For first time I saw Victor`s castle form the outside. It seemed to me dark and ugly, maybe because of the twilight. Only the roses were beautiful.
I stared at our long shadows. Them seemed not to be ours.
It was so peaceful and still the blood was rushing madly through my veins. Suddenly Noah caught my hand making me a sign not to speak. The leaves of the one of the nearby huge rose bushes shook. I gulped nervously.
From the labyrinth of roses emerged Greta`s face. Her pale skin merged in one with her white dress. She looked like a bride, the thing that she wanted most but she couldn`t achieve. I felt pain in my heart. Somehow Greta reminded me of the ruins of ancient castle – beautiful, but destroyed a long ago.
“Oh, well met, my dear friends!” , she greeted us
I stared at disbelief – not trying to kill me!? Noah stared for another reason. He had no idea that Greta was turned.
”What have they done to you?”, he whispered. I thought he was going to cry
“ They did what I asked for.” , she was still smiling,” They did what you couldn`t do yourself.”
Even I felt the venom in her words.
Noah took a few steps towards her.
“Let`s go home, Greta.”, He stretched his hands,” We are still friends, I`ll take care of you.”
“ Yes.” , she shook her hand and then all of sudden she screamed, “ But first she`ll die.”
A second before she could dig her nails in my eyes, Noah caught her and tried to push her away from me.
I fell on the ground. Meanwhile Greta managed to hit somehow Noah and ran towards me. I felt her hand on my throat and I found myself hanging in the air. The lack of air came quickly. I kicked her several times with all my strength but I doubt she even felt it. Then I just decided it`s useless and I was going to die anyway. I closed my eyes and prepared to sunk in the darkness.
Um.. one more question, when you are dead you are supposed to feel pain right? Okay, obviously I wasn`t dead. I opened my eyes and tried to see between the dancing colorful spots, blurring my vision.
I looked around. The first thing I saw was Noah, he was towering above… above Greta. She was lying on the grass.
I tried to stood ( but I didn`t succeeded from the first time).Moving in zigzags I went to see what happened.

I have never seen a person with broken neck before. But I was pretty sure that it was the thing caused Greta`s death.
She was lying down there surrounded by rose bushes. Some rose petals were fallen on the hair and face. As she was fallen asleep. Only her neck twisted at weird angle showed she was dead.
I fell on my knees crying. I knew she wanted to kill me, I knew she hated me, but I`ve never wanted her die.
She was so beautiful. Beautiful as the roses around. But she was gone…forever.
“You killed her?” , I turned to Noah. I didn`t meant to blame him, I just wanted to make sure what happened.
He shook his head. He was even paler than before.
“ I had to , Amber.” , he brushed his tears, “ She wouldn`t stop. First she would kill you, then other innocent people. She wasn`t a capable vampire.”
Greta`s last moments were filled with hate and rage. She lived for nothing but revenge.
I sobbed still looking at her face. I couldn`t stop thinking how beautiful was she.
Noah put a red single rose on her chest. I wasn`t sure if it was some kind of ritual or his apology.
I hugged him and we both sit silent for a moment.
“Athen is coming.” , said he all of sudden and pushed me away
Noah brushed his tears and stood. I had no idea how he heard Athen, but he really did it.
I heard his voice calling us.
Noah moved me away from Greta, so she can stay hidden in the roses. Actually I agreed with him. It wasn`t the right moment to tell about her death.
We found Athen and the others in the garden alley where we were minutes ago.
“Are you okay?”, Athen began to examine me as if I had more extra scratches
“Yes, I`m fine.”
I was still crying, but he couldn`t guess the reason.
“ Did you beat them?, asked Noah frowning. Gosh he looked million years older with his forehead wrinkled.
“What? Beat them?”, Athen laughed , “ We just found a chance to escape. Come on!!!”
He caught my elbow showing me to follow him.
I looked at the rose bushes and I thought I saw a part of Greta`s white dress. Then my eyes met Noah`s. We exchanged thoughts.
I walked quickly after Athen, leaving Noah for a couple of seconds behind.
♠ ♠ ♠
Warning: Character`s death.
Actually after I wrote this I felt as if I killed a real person o.O It`s tough!
Thank you for the comments, guys! Your support mean a lot to me. I would love to hear ur opinion once more about this chapter.
Ah, I almost forgot - the next one will be the last ;]