I Arranged Myself a Marriage with a Vampire …. By Mistake


I really hate hospitals. The smell, the white walls, the gloomy sick people…But the hospital in my town was even worse – its wall were green. Ugly, depressing green. I don`t want to die in a hospital,cuz in this case I`ll die sad.

I held my father`s hand. And I was really thankful he was all right. Well,yes maybe a little pale and with a few scratches and still in shock , but he was alive. The fear in his eyes was obvious. I knew exactly how he felt. In the moment when you`re close to death you don`t feel anything. Fear comes later, when you realize the whole thing. So, that`s why he needed us , me and mum.
She was here with me. At least she didn`t cry anymore.
“ I can`t stand it anymore”, my mother sobbed
“ Enough , Maria” , dad`s voice was quiet but firm
“they could kill you!”
“We`ll talk about this later!”
I looked first dad, then mum. He was too serious and worried and she was going to burst in tears. They knew something more about the incident.
“ Just tell me what`s going on?” I told dad. Mum wasn`t able to answer me.
“ Nothing,Amber.”
I `ve always thought they wouldn`t lie me. But now dad was doing exactly this.
“Stop already,dad. I know something happened.” My eyes got wet.
He didn`t answer. I cleary saw the fear in his eyes growing.
“ We are a family, right? And we should not keep secrets!”
I planned to say this loud, to made the understand that I need answers, but my voice was too weak.
Dad gazed at mum. She nodded.
“ Ok. We`ll speak at home.”
I brushed my tears.


Dad got home a few days later. And I tried to continue my life like before.
Matt was kind enough not to ask if I want to date with him. Leila was always with me. Man,she even didn`t allow to go the bathroom alone.

One evening after dinner my parents called me in the living-room.
In the house was so quiet. I hated the silence. But at last my father broke it.
“ Amber, you still got a chance to refuse to hear the whole story. I think it`s better.”
I shook my head. I wasn`t …. that scared.
“ That medallion you have found,it`s not just a jewelry, Amber. It`s something more. It binds you with a promise.”

Promise? I remembered the dedication on it.
“ Two bodies became one,
two minds think as one,
love blooms as a rose
for the eternity…”

A love promise perhaps? No,no nonsense! Those words were sooo cliché. They sounded like a part of the script of soup opera.
“ I don`t understand, dad.”

He sighed.

“ It`s a vampire medallion,Amber.”
I opened my mouth to say something. My dad speak about vampires???
Let me see, he wasn’t a fantasy or a sci-fi fan. He was too serious for that kind of stuff. He even didn`t watch horror movies.
I laughed.
“ Nice, dad, I appreciate your try to make me feel better. Now tell me the truth.”
He remained serious.
“ This is the truth, Amber. They give such medallions just like we give engagement rings.”
I frowned.
“ So…?”
“ So, when you`ve put that thing on, you made a promise to marry a vampire.”
I stood up.
“ Dad,are you really really sure?”
He nodded.
“ So you think vampires exist?”
He nodded again.
Maybe after the accident something happened to him and he got mad.
“ How did you find out that?”
“ Two of them came here,Amber.”
I looked at my mum.
“ It`s true.” That was all she said
“They demanded to take you with them to meet the vampire, whose medallion you have found. They said he was their master`s or something like that.”
I remembered the strange people I saw through the window that night. And that weirdo who I saw at the ball. I knew something for sure they weren`t normal. Actually nothing wasn`t normal lately.
“ What did you say to those…vampires?”
Unnecessary question. That night I heard enough when I was in the kitchen.
“ Don`t worry , honey, we won`t give you to them.”
“ But what we will do next time when they try to kill you?” asked my mother. She was pale as a ghost.
“They have tried to kill dad!?” I shouted from the top of my lungs

But of course,those concrete blocks don`t fall from the sky! Someone has to push them. Someone strong enough.
I tried to inhale. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself.
“ They didn`t want to kill me!” My dad protested “ If the wanted that, they would threw the block over me,not next to me. They just tried to scare me and to give them Amber. Stupid blood sucking monsters!”
I covered my face with my palms. It didn`t help a lot.
“ So, what are we doing now?” I asked
“ Nothing. I said I won`t give my daughter to them!”
“ And if they tried something against you again? If they kill you next time?”
I was screaming and crying in the same time. Mum hugged me tight.
What if they go after dad again,after mum,after my friends?! How could I live with this!?
“Dad, you have to let them take me away.”
“I said no!!!”
“ Dad, I already decide it!!!”
“ Are you crazy?!”
“ NO, I just love you and I don`t want something to happen with you,okay? Don`t even try to stop me! I`ll go with them even if that means you`ll hate me forever.”
He sighed. I was sure my words made him wanna die. He gave me a desperate look. Mum gave vent to the tears.
I bit my lip and tried to stay calm. I had to be strong for them.
“ Now what are we going to do? How can we contact them?”
My voice supposed to sound cheerful, but I failed.
“ We will wait them… to come” said dad glumly
♠ ♠ ♠
That`s the last update for now. I`ll write more next weekend.
And yeah,sorry if I have done many grammar and spelings mistakes.