I Arranged Myself a Marriage with a Vampire …. By Mistake


We entered in a huge hall. And in the middle of it there was a long table with many candlesticks on it. The pleasant light from the candles made the dusky hall somehow cosy . The window shatters were open, so I could see the moon and the stars on the dark sky.
All the vampires who were sitting on the table staring at us. I was thankful that Noah and Greta were in front of me so they couldn`t see me directly. They looked confident and happy, especially Greta.
I couldn`t say the same for me and Athen. We were standing close to each other, but each one of us was pretending that the other does not exist.
Greta and Noah bowed to the elders. Athen made the same, so I had to do it too. I felt evevryone`s eyes on me. But of course they have seen Greta before, because she came here earlier, so I was the new mortal girl. So , I had to left them to study me closely.
All the vampires looked like some kind of phantoms – white, weird and….eternal. They were really old, so guess that`s why they called them the elders. And I thought vampires can`t grow old. And maybe they weren`t just old, maybe they were ancient.
One tall man looked at me. I was almost sure he was Athen`s father, cause the had the same blue eyes as his. He smiled at me, but I remained serious. The faces of all vampires around were too scary.
“Amber, this is my father Magrat.” , I heard Athen`s voice
Magrat nodded. I had no idea what to and just bowed again.
“Nice to meet you, Amber.” , said he , “ I`m really glad we finally met.”
Well, I couldn`t say the same. I wouldn`t have been here if I had any other chance.
They finally allowed us to sit beside them. At least on my left was sitting Greta and on my right was Athen, so the nearest old white phantom-vampire was opposite me. One of Athen`s aunts. He had three or four I wasn`t sure and I didn`t remember their names. They were weird just like themselves.
And I clearly saw them whispering something.
“I`m really happy to see you all together. I`ve dreamed for many years to refresh our family.”, announced Magrat and interrupted the aunts whispering.
“And we are all happy to be together here, uncle.”, answered Noah looking at Greta
As usual she began shivering from excitement.
Athen gave me a glance full of “love”. I ignored it and continue eating. Only I and Greta had dishes in front of us. The others had a glass of suspicious red liquid. I tried not to think what it really was, so I can continue eating normally.
They continue discussing stuff which was absolutely incomprehensible for me. And I was just eating,eating,eating… Every single bite was bitterer and bitterer, until I couldn`t feel the taste anymore. It was painful to watch them there- Magrat who tried to kill my father, the old ugly aunts who was talking probably shit for me, Athen who hated me for no reason(oh, I think I just found one – I wasn`t beautiful enough for him), Greta who at least didn`t dislike me but her overreacting was annoying and suffocating hugs as well. All against one. All against me.
“Dear,Amber, you haven`t said nothing this evening.” , said all of sudden Magrat . “Perhaps you don`t feel well?”
“No, I`m alright.” , I lied, trying not to look him in the eyes
They were almost the same as Athen`s,but much deeper and darker and don`t talk about the colour. I talk about what was hidden behind them.
“ What do you think about my son? Do you approve him for your fiancé? “ he smiled at me
“A girl like her would be crazy if she doesn`t…”one of the aunts was talking quietly, but clearly enough to hear her
I wanted so badly to throw the plate over her and to run away from here. And this stupid question about Athen!? How could I possibly answer that I can`t even stand him in front of all his relatives.
“My feelings towards him are exactly the same as his towards me.”
I hoped Athen could feel irony. But I heard Noah giggling quietly. At least he got it.
Nobody asked me anything else till the end of the dinner.


Athen`s room was quiet.
He let me enter there first and I almost ran into my closet. A few seconds after that I heard a crack of another door. He was in his closet too.
I found all the pictures I have brought from home under tons of stupid clothes. I hugged them tight and lied on the floor crying. At first I tried just to bit my lip painfully, but the tears started to fall alone.
I should hate them all but they hate me instead. Hello, I was the victim here! I ,not those stupid blood sucking monsters! Just for a single night my life turned into hell.


After I calmed down, I somehow managed to take of the stupid dress and I threw it in the corner. I couldn`t find any pyjamas, there were only ugly night-gowns. I remembered I brought here one from home. A black pyjamas just perfect for the occasion- and namely living with dark creatures.
When I finally got out of the closet I found Athen staring into some kind of sheets on his desk. He was completely dressed, I mean a shirt, trousers, shoes. Like he wasn`t planning to sleep. But the sun was going to rise soon.
I stood in the middle in the room without to know what to do. There was obviously just one bed, but sharing it with Athen wasn`t really a good idea. I went to explore the armchair in the corner. It was huge and soft, but it wasn`t bed after all.
“ Don`t worry, use the bed.”, I heard his voice somewhere behind me
I turned to see him. The moonlight from the window made his skin glowing. Standing there he seemed even taller than before.
“ And what about you?”, I asked
“ I`ll use the coffin.”, he answered
I thought for a moment. I doubt it would be so pleasant to have somebody near you , sleeping in coffin, but the armchair wasn`t so comfortable.
“Deal” I was too tired and too sad to quarrel ,so I obeyed
“Good. Then hurry up and go to bed.”
I frowned, but I did it. Since when he became my master?
Athen closed the window shutters and drew the heavy thick red curtains. Just one little candle remained lit.
I closed my eyes and covered my face with the blanket .

A nightmare made me woke up suddenly. I sat on the bed wiping the sweat of my face. I needed a minute to realize it was just a bad dream and I`m awake. In the room was completely dark, although outside was probably already day.
I knew there was a candle on the night-table. It took me at least five minutes to find it and to lit it.
Its light calmed me down a lot.
Then I accidentally looked down and I saw sleeping Athen. I tried to ignore the fact that he was lying in a coffin, something that terrified me. He was sleeping so peaceful, his face was so calm and beautiful. He reminded me of marble statue from Ancient Greece.
I stretched my hand towards him, but it froze in the air over his face. What was I doing? I was supposed to hate him, right?
I felt his gentle breath on my palm. When he wasn`t awake, he was really beautiful.
I lied on the bed again. Maybe I could hate him only when he was awake.
I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep again.