Cloud Nine


So that's it.
I am happy now, not as gobby. I don't hate everything, and I've got friends. Mum and Aiden are happy, too. I'm glad. Everything has worked out.
It's been a tough ride, but I reckon it's made me stronger. And Josh. He helped. He still does. Mum was a bit anxious at first, but she eventually let me see him.
Josh likes my crazy hair and weird clothes and obbsession with RIOT!. He likes me.

I am going to be a bridesmaid in summer-Mum and Aiden's wedding. Aiden will be my daddy, and I am glad. I like Aiden now. He makes Mum happy, and I can't ask for much more, can I?

I am going to wear orange, of course. That may look weird to the rest of you, but it couldn't be any other colour.

I've got a new nick-name now-Phoenix. Josh christined me with it, and I like it.

Phoenixes rise from the ashes, and that's what I've done. I've changed,in a good way, and I'm happy.

One thing's for sure...we're all on Cloud Nine