A Jagged, Gorgeous Winter

Chapter Two

In The Cabin

Ryan and Brendon ran to the door when a blue Kia Sportage pulled up. Two girls stepped out, laughing and carrying a box. They were practically identical, except one had short straight razored hair and the other had bouncy curls. Straight hair, you might know her as Bouncy and Curls, her sister set the box on the porch and head back to the car, wrapping their jackets tighter around one another.

Brendon threw open the door, letting the cold hair rush into the warm cabin.

“HEY!” he yelled as the Kia pulled away.

“Shut the door!” Jon yelled from the kitchen. Ryan grabbed the box and ran back into the house, slamming the door behind him. Something barked, making everyone drop what they were doing. Ryan literally dropped the box, praying that nothing broke inside immediately afterwards.

“Was that a dog?” Spencer asked, looking up from the sink where he'd been rinsing dishes to put them in the dishwasher.

“That came from inside.” Ryan said, heading into the back, to investigate with Jon on his heels. Because you know, it's the buddy system. Safety in pairs. Smart boys.

“Fuck!” Brendon slammed the door behind him, not having heard the dog and could only concentrate on how cold it was outside. And it was cold. He picked up the box and carried it to the counter.

Meanwhile, Ryan and Jon stepped into the back room to find not ONE dog but THREE! There was a name plate on top of each cage.

The largest, a golden retriever, was named Arabella. She got two scoops of food twice a day. The medium sized dog was a black lab with the coloring of a rot weiler who's name was Lucy, she got two scoops twice a day as well. The smallest dog was a furry tan mutt named Furgus.

“Damn.” Jon muttered. Ryan nodded and leaned down. There was a note on Lucy's cage.

Well, this is one of the things you have to do. You have to take care of our buddies. So they need to be let out everytime you feed them and before you put them in for the night. They can be let in the dining room, just put up the gate that's next to the door frame.

Be careful, because Furgus and Lucy can get out of the dog run, so if you leave them outside, periodically check to make sure all three idiots are in the gate.




Ryan and Jon sighed and returned to the kitchen where Brendon and Spencer sat on the floor, staring at the closed box. The other pair took a seat on the floor with their band. They all stared at the box, no one really wanted to open in and see what was inside. Brendon rubbed his hands together and blew on them to warm them up. Spencer reached forward and popped one of the flaps up, opening the top. Inside was a note resting on top of their items.


We told you that you'd be receiving this.

List of Things You Must Do:

1.)Before someone showers, you have to go into the basement and reset the water heater.
2.)Keep all the windows and doors shut.
3.)You can't run the dishwasher and the lights at the same time. It'll burn a fuse.
4.)There's a laptop in the backroom, it's got WiFi. Email us here: wannabuyaduck@yahoo.com if you need any help.
5.)There's not much to do here, but we do have a lot of board games in the dogs room.
6.)There are two bed rooms, one just off the living room and one next to the dogs room. Each room has two beds, decide who sleeps where or we'll do it for you.
7.)Clean the house.
8.)Don't make a mess.
9.)Uhhh, yeah. That's about it.

So the things in the box will either a; entertain you or b; help you with the list.

Off you go.


Ryan and Brendon groaned and Jon and Spencer soon followed suit. Because a; they didn't know what the hell a water heater looked like, b; if they burned a fuse, they didn't know how to change it, 3; they hated cleaning.

“We're screwed.” Jon voiced for the band. Everyone nodded. He was right, they all knew it.

**A Rising Constant Power**
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okay... sorry it's been so long...
please, next one'll be up sooner if you do.

-Todd (Birthday girl)