Please Never Change

Please Never Change

Kaia stood outside in the balcony of the house she lived in with Kai and they're best friends, Ray and Hilary. A cool breeze blew her hair in front of her face and made the scarf she always wore to dance in the wind. She heard the door slide open and heard quiet footsteps come towards her. Out of the corner of her ruby eyes, she saw a pair of muscular arms lean on the railing that surrounded the balcony. Kai and Kaia stood there in a peaceful silence.

Kaia glanced at Kai and saw he had started tracing one of the scars on his wrist. Her ruby eyes narrowed as she remembered how he got that scar.

"You know, this is my favorite scar," Kai murmured quietly, keeping his gray eyes on his hand that was tracing his scar. "But you hate it."

"Yes I do. Because of how you got it. But I also love it. I hate it but I love it," Kaia added.


"I love it because you got it protecting me. But I hate it because you got it because of me. Because you love me."

"I have question. One I never asked before and one I don't mean to seem doubtful."

"What is it?" His gray eyes locked with her ruby ones.

"Why do you love me?" he asked, seriousness obvious in his tone, face, and eyes. Kaia looked away as she thought over her answer.

"There are too many reasons to list. But some of my top reasons are that we can sit in silence and be fine with it. It's not an awkward silence but an understanding silence. How we can understand each other without saying anything. How you don't care what anyone says and do what you want. How you show me scars that you've gotten in battles and won't show them to anyone else. How you ask me how I feel about your scars. How you seem to love me unconditionally when I seem not to deserve it." She paused before turning to fully face him. "Please don't ever change." He smiled at her.

"I promise I'll never change."
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It seems a bit crappy too me but please tell me what you guys think. Comment please!