A Lot Like Falling


The sky shows that the day is fading . I feel the need to sleep set in as I watch the scenery pass by . Its a complete blurr . " How fast are you going ?" Maybe this will strike up a conversation .

" Well ... about 80 but its bassically a open road here and you seem to need to get away from something . So the faster I go, the better ." I was wondering when he would point something out .

"Makes sense ... so Jensen ." The smile that spreads across his face is adorable and contagious ." You-." Before I can finish I'm jerked forward . The sound of a car crash rings in my ears as my head slams against the dashboard.

" Jessica ! " He says my name like if hes known me all his life . His eyes, its like there pleading for me to stay awake. But I'm not going too . I'm just too tired. What happened ?.

" Holy shit ...oh shit ..oh shit ." I wake up to his voice . My head is spinning . What the hell . " Jensen !" Its all I manage to say . The car must be going about 100 miles per hour at this point . I dont know whats going on but my fears are playing out in my head like a scene from a horror movie . I'm glad he keeps driving .

" Some ass hole in a blue chevey rammed his truck into my car a good five times ." His breathing is fast and heavy . I'm starting to feel uneasy ." A blue chevey ? " .Stephen ?. " Did you see who was driving?" Im clutching the seat as I look backward hoping to god I dont see him . Theres no one behind us .

" No I didnt catch much , I was freaking out half the time . If your looking for him he spinned out of control a while back ."

Oh this is just perfect. I've only known him for half a day and I'm already dragging him into my nightmare . " How could he find me?" Im shaking now, I cant help it .

"Whos he?! " I wish he would just stop and throw me out of his car . Be done with me already . Why is he still bothering with it . " I need to know now !"

" You dont need to ." It scares me how harsh my voice sounds . But I just want to protect him .

" Why the hell not ?... If I'm risking my life with you . I think you owe it to me to tell me why ! "

" You dont have to do this , just let me out of the car and we can forget about this ." I reach for the door handle but it locks instantly.

" Hell no . That man back there ." I cringe at the thought of Stephen as Jensen mentions him . " He wanted something and Ive never see him before in my life ...so gee let me put things together . " Hes angry but theres still something so beautiful about him . I'm starting to see why I got in the car with this stranger . " You . Your all beat up and scared shitless . I cant even reach my hand around you for the salt without you cringeing away from me . And I know your running away from something its written all over your face . So why else would this derranged man fucking want to mess up my car for other then the reason that he wants you . " He stops and stares at me . I know its only the truth hes waiting for now .

" I'm running from my dad . Which im pretty sure the man you speak of was him . " Im shaking uncontrollably and I dont even notice it till Jensen stops the car and put his arms around me . I feel much more stable like this but I wish he would keep driving .

" I dont know anything about you other than your name and you look like you've been through hell . But I know something about your future and its that from here on out I'm never lettting you out of my reach ." He tightens his grip on me and I push my face into his shirt . I'm safe . " He'll never hurt you again as long as I'm alive ." Who is this man ?. I dont deserve him . Why doesnt he sense the danger in this ? Why isnt he running away ? ...Im happy as hell hes not though . Of all the things I had to be selfish .

" Your insane ." I whisper my words into his shirt and he holds me even tighter.

" Maybe so ."

His embrace feels like a wall of protection . This is not just another attraction . This is something so much more .

" Now lets get the hell out of here ." He lets me go and pushes his foot down on the petal. The force slamming me back into the seat .

" Jensen ?" I whisper his name as if its something I'd been debating about saying in my mind . " Why are you doing this for me ?" I dont want to sound un-grateful and I smile at him hopeing he knows this .

" Because theres something about you that just screams -the girl I've been waiting for -. " He returns my smile to me and reaches his hand to wipe away the the tears from my eyes . I cant even tell when Im crying anymore . " I'd be even more insane to let that go . " The intensity in his words sparks a fire inside me . Maybe hes the guy I never knew I was waiting for . Maybe hes my heaven sent .