Dreams or Nightmares

Chapter Two

As she stopped at a red light, she looked over to a car filled with girls in it smiling at her and saying they liked her bike. She speed off as the light turned green, and turned into the high school parking lot. As she was parked her bike the same car with the girls pulled in beside her. Sam was laughing to herself as they smiled at her thinking she was a guy. She took off her helmet. There was a gasp as the girls saw that it was a girl not a guy. Sam laughed to herself as she cared her helmet and book bag towards the front doors of the school. She walked over to the front office and waited while an old lady was helping another student out.

“Can I help you out?” She asked as she smiled at Sam.

“Yes, I just moved here.” Sam said as she handed her a piece of paper.

“Ah yes, here is your paper with all of your class’s on it and here is your locker number.”

“Thank you, Mrs. White.” Sam said as she took the paper and left.

As Sam was walking towards her first class a girl was smirking at her, her friends were looking at Sam and whispering to each other. The girl stuck her foot out as Sam was walking and she was about to landed on the floor. When Sam put her hands in front of her and spindled on them and did a little back flip and landed on her feet. She picked up her bag and walked towards her first class. Try to make me look stupid Sam though to herself as she walked in to her first class and closing the door behind leaven all the gasps behind the door. She walked up to the teachers desk. A men in his early 20’s with black hair and light brown eyes. He was grading some papers when Sam’s shadow fall across his light.

“How can I help you?” He asked as he looked up at Sam with a kind smile.

“Yes, your class is first on my list.” Sam said as she handed him her paper.

“Yes, there is a empty desk in the back.” He side as he handed her paper back to her.

Sam nodded her head and stuck the piece of paper in her pocket. She was standing there for about five min when the bell rang. Soon the room was filling up with students. They all looked at her as the passed her to get to there seats. Sam was about to seat down when she heard a scream behind her. Sam turned around just in time to see a girl with long blonde hair with light green eyes running towards her.

She was wearing a pink mini skirt with a white shirt that had a heart on it that side “ Keep on starting and you will never get it”.

“When did you get here Sam?” She asked as she hugged her.

“I have been here about three weeks Sara.” Sam said as she backed up a little.

“I’m so happy to see you. It is going to be sweet having you back.”

“Will everyone please take your seat so we can being.” Mr. D called out over the noise.

“I will talk to you after school.” Sara said as she walked to the front of the class and seat down right down in front of Mr. D desk.

“Well, did ever one read chapter 5 through 10 last night?” Mr. D asked as he grabbed a book off his desk.

Sam smiled to herself as she heard half the class groaned.

“Well lets see, what can we do to change this habit of ours shall we.”

Sam shock her head as she saw that mostly all the girls of the class were sitting in the front.

“I know, pop quiz” Mr. D said as he leaned on his desk.

He tapped his finger on his chine as he looked at the class.

“Ah yes, here is a question for you all. What happen to the army of Water Hill as they where fighting against Blue Heavens army? Does anyone know.” Mr. D asked as he looked around the room.

Sam raised her hand in to the air.

“Sam, I don’t believe you will know what we are talking about. So if you will be so kind and put your hand down.” Mr. D said as he looked at her in the eyes.

“Mr. D I do believe I know what I’m talking about. Water Hill defended Blue Heaven only because Shana took out there leader, how truly wasn’t there true leader at all. He killed Blue Heavens true leader to become king. Ghend killed his own brother.” Sam said with an evil smile on her face as she looked at Mr. D in the eyes.

“I see, that is very good Sam.” Mr. D said as he nodded his head.

Sam sat in the back of the class drawing a tiger that had a young women sitting in his back with the moon fall over them with a deep dark forest as the back ground. The day passed slowly. Sam walked to her locker and throw her stuff in it. Just as she walked out of the school Sara was in front of her.

“Hey, are you doing anything to night?” She asked as they walked.

“Nope, why you got something planed.” Sam asked as she walked towards the parking lot.

“There is this club called Shadow something and I heard it is pretty good.” Sara said as she looked up at her.

“Its called Shadow of night life silly, and it is a pretty cool place. I go there ever Friday and Saturday. They have some cool beats.” Sam said with a small smile on her face.

“So are you coming?” Sara asked with her puppy dog eyes.

“Of course I’m going its Friday to night.”

“Cool this is going to be some much fun,” Sara smiled to herself. “I wonder what everyone is looking at?” She wonder as they drew near a crowd of students.

Sam walked up to the crowed and started to push through the crowed towards her bike. Just as she reached her bike she saw a guy seating on it saying that he just bought the bike last night.

“I believe you are on my bike.” Sam said as she stopped in front of him.

He looked at Sam with wide eyes.

“Now if you will get off my bike. I will be on my way.” Sam said as she smiled at him.

He jumped off the bike and backed up as the girls he was talking to glared at him. Sam put on her helmet and started the engine up. It gave a loud growl as everyone backed up.

“See you to night.” Sara yelled to Sam as she speeded out of the school parking lot heading towards the middle school.
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