Dreams or Nightmares

Chapter Four

“Hey what took you so long.” Sam teased as she leaned agents her bike.

“We got lost.” A girl said as she closed the back door. She was warn a tight hot pink mini skirt and a white belly shirt. She had red hair that fall past her shoulders in wavers and had light brown eyes.

“It’s not my fault that I read the dictions wrong.” A guy said as he put his arm around the other girls waist. He was warn black jeans that had a white skull on his right knee and a red shirt that had a black skull on it. He had light brown hair that was almost blonde and dark green eyes.

“Sam this is Chris,” She pointed to the one warn the red shirt. “That is Baca,” She pointed to the one in the mini skirt. “And this one here is Brian.” Sara said as she warped her arms around him. Brian was warn a grey shirt and black pants. He had blonde hair with light blue eyes.

“I’m sure you all know me by now.” Sam said as she started walking towards the entrance of the club. As they walked through the door the music was blasting through the speakers. Sara and Brain danced to the dace floor while Baca and Chris want some where ales. Sam was about to sit down when she heard her song on. Her hips moved as she moved to the dance floor. As she was dancing the crowd backed up as she showed off some of her moves. She was about to spin around in a slow down wards move when a girl walked up to her.

“You think you are that good do you.” She said as her friends stepped beside her.

Sam smiled as she looked at them and nodded her head.
“You think you can dance do you?” Sam said as she looked at them with an evil smile on her face. They nodded there heads at once.

“Then lets dace.” Sam said as she turned to the DJ player.

She flicked her right wrist three times and the DJ nodded his head. The music switched to a faster place. The girl’s started to move there bodies to the beat as they walked towards Sam. There bodies moved as one as if they were one. Sam smiled at them with an evil smile on her face. She moved her hips in a small circle and brought her arms above her head slowly turn then turn faster and faster with the beat. Sam jumped into the air and did a little flip. when she landed back on the ground she was on her hands and feet. Like a tiger about to pounce. As she got to her feet in a graceful movement the music turned faster.

Sam smiled to herself as she saw the girls eyes go wide in wonder at how she moved her body. She knew the song was going to quit any second she spun around and landed on her feet with her hands out on her finger tips smiling Just as there was loud roar as the song end. There was a loud applause as Sam stood up gracefully and smiled. Just as Sam was about to walk off the dance floor the girls walked up to her.

“We just wanted to say that you are a really good dancer.”

Sam nodded her head.
“Thank you, you are good your selves. Keep on doing what you are doing and you will be pretty good your selves one day.” Sam said as she smiled at them.

“Thank you we will.” The girl said and they walked back on the dance floor.

Sam walked to the bar and called to a guy how had black hair with some grays at his temples.

“Hey, Sam you sure showed thoes new girls.” He said as he handed her a bottle of water.

“I sure did Dane. Man I hate thoes type of people like that.” Sam said after she took a drink of water.

“I will talk to you later Sam.” Dane said as he want back to surviving drinks.

Sam walked to a table covered in shadows and was about to sit down a voice spoke.

“You are a very good dancer.”

Sam looked around trying to find the person that was talking when a guy walked out of the shadows. He was warn a red shirt with and black pants.

His hair was black and was spiked with the tips dyed red and what caught Sam’s was that his eyes where like hers only they where red with a black ring around them.

“Thank you.” Sam said as she looked up at him.

“Would you like to dace Sam?” He asked as he held out his hand towards her.

“How do you know my name?” Sam asked as she took his hand.

“That is easy my dear. I own the place.” He said as he put his hands on her waist.

“So you must be Damien then.” Sam said as she put her hands around his neck.

“Yes, that would be me. Just don’t spread it around everyone things that I am an old man, who only comes around during the day to see how things are going. If everyone know what I looked like then how would I be able to dance with such an angle in my arms right now.” Damien whispered in Sam’s ear.

Sam leaned into Damien as she kissed his neck. She looked up at him and closed her eyes as his lips brushed her softly. Sam didn’t even know that they where back in the shadows again. Damien pushed Sam against the wall gently and kissed her. Sam was lost in the moment when her cell phone want off. She looked at the caller ID “Your Little Roes” was flashing. She answered the phone.

“Sam, I’m sacred, something is wrong with dad. He is calling out your name saying he is going to kill you. For ruining his life. Every time I look at him his eyes are red. I’m scared Sam.” Roes said as she whispered in to the phone.

“Listen to me Roes. Go to my room and lock the door and stay there tell I get there ok Roes. I’m on my way, every thing is going to be alright my little Roes. Now I have to go now ok.” Sam said as she looked at her watch.

“Ok Sam, but please hurry.” Roes said before she hung up.

Sam put her phone in her pocket. She looked up at Damien with sad eyes.

“I have to go. My little sister needs me, I’m sorry” Sam said with a sad smile. She was about to walk away when he gave her a soft hard kiss.

“Be safe my angle.” Damien whispered as he looked down at Sam.

“Don’t worry I will be fine, I have to go now.” Sam said as she ran to the entrance way. As she ran closer she saw that a fight was going on. Two drunk men where having it out between each other. Sam pushed through the crowed just as a guy came in to view she punched him in the back. He fall to the ground and didn’t get up. The other man came at her and was about to bring down his fist. When Damien was in front of her and had the guy by the neck.

“How dare you raise a hand towards a lady.” He hissed as he looked down at him.

“Thank you Damien.” Sam said as she ran past him out side towards the parking lot.

She jumped on her bike and speed out of the parking lot towards the highway.