Dreams or Nightmares

Chapter Six

Sam was on a dirt road and didn’t remember how she got there. She was surrounded by a dark thick forest on both side of her. Blocking the outside world from view. Before Sam know what was happen she was rolling down the side of a hill. As she tried to grab some thing. Sam yelled as a rock cut open the palm of her hand. She closed her eyes and saw Rose smiling at her as they ate there large double chocolate chips sake earlier that day.

When she opened her eyes she was staring up at the night sky. Sam closed her eyes as she saw black spots on her vision. When she opened them back up she saw Rose smiling down at her.

“I love you Rose, my little Rose.” Sam wisped as she was engulfed in darkness.

As the moon was covered by a cloud a dark figure was beside Sam’s dieing body. He knelt down beside her and picked her up gently in his strong arms and jumped in to the sky as the cloud moved away from the cloud. The moon shined on a puddle of blood where Sam was.

Sam heard a voice calling to her. Telling her that every thing will be alright. She shot her eyes open as she saw Rose’s dead body again and she was covered in her blood. Sam looked around and saw that she was in a king sized bed that was covered in black and red silk. She looked around and gasped at what she saw. The room was painted black with red trimming that want all the way around the room. In the corner was black desk with a laptop on it and some paper where beside it. There was a thick red curtain over a window on both side of the bed.

Sam throw her legs over the bed and started walking towards a door that was on the other side of the bed when her knees gave out. She let out a gasp as two strong arms wrapped around her waist. When she looked up she felt her heart stop as she saw who had her. It was Damien.

“How did I get here?” Sam asked as she looked up at him.

“I brought you here, angle.” Damien said as he picked Sam up bridle style.

“How did I get hear? I remember laying on the forest ground dieing.” Sam whispered as she looked down at the ground.

“I saved your life, angle. I couldn’t lose you. You are my soul mate Sam.” Damien whispered in her hair as he sat down on the bed with her in his lap.

“What are you saying Damien. I don’t understand?”

Damien looked down into Sam’s eyes. “I’m going to tell you something and I don’t want you to freak out.”

Sam nodded her head and said “I don’t get freaked out easy, so shoot.”

“I’m a dark one, I’m a vampire.” Damien said as he closed his eyes. Damien opened his eyes as he felt Sam put her hand on his check.

“Do you think that I would get freaked out by that Damien?” Sam asked as she looked deep in to his eyes.

“Yes, I was afraid that you would be scared of me, angle” Damien said as he rubbed his head in her hand.

“I’m not afraid of you Damien, but why do you call angle?” Sam asked as she put her head on his chest.

“You, are my soul mate. You are my light through the darkness. I couldn’t survive with out. That is why I call you angle.” Damien said as she kissed her check.

“How can I save you?” Sam looked up at Damien as he kissed her forehead.

“By been by my side for all of eternity. Will you be by my side angel?” Damien asked as he kissed her lips softly.

“Yes, I will be your angle, for now and forever.” Sam closed her eyes as Damien kissed Sam with a fiery passion.

“This will hurt you, and I don’t want to hurt you” Damien whispered in her hair.

“I can handle pain Damien, just do it. Everything will be alright” Sam whispered in his hair as she exposed her neck to him.

“As you wish” Damien said as he kissed her neck. Sam let out a small moan as he bit her neck playfully. Damien moved his mouth over her pulse in her neck as he kissed her neck. Sam let out a gasp as pain shoot through her body. She closed her eyes and held on to Damien as he drank her blood.

Damien drew back as Sam’s heart started to slow down. He drew his wrist to his mouth and sank his fangs in. As he put his wrist to Sam’s mouth he said “Drink angle, drink.” Damien whispered in to her mind as she closed her lips over his wrist. Sam drunk Damien’s blood down slowly at first then faster. It tasted like red wine, sweet and addictive. As Damien drew his wrist away Sam fall into a dark dreamless sleep.