I, Dear Madame, Am a Professional

The boy knocked on the door, his palms sweating, knees nearly knocking, knowing what was coming. He closed his eyes, then opened them again, knowing he shouldn't be taken by surprise, or it would just end badly.

The door creaked open, making everything else seem so much quieter. This was it: the beginning of the end.

William is the ripe age of twenty; barely old enough to have seen the world. He needs to be able to pay the bills; his job just isn't cutting it. When he finally discovers a solution to his problem, things change more than he would ever know.

* * * *

DISCLAIMERS: This story contains prostitution, sex, drugs, and lots of gayness. Literally. The first chapter is serious, the second serious/sort of funny, and the third is so random you'd think I was high when I wrote it. From then on, I'm not sure. This is a comedy, with serious undertones.

Nothing is sacred. Everything will be made fun of. Even the things I love. If you don't have a sense of humor, do not read. Contains: Gabilliam, Rydon, Joncer, Peterick, Frikey, Waycest, Frerard, Housin [House/Wilson], implied Chouse [House/Chase], Britney Spears, Keltie Coleen, a bunch of my friends, and probably a bunch of random people.

This is a crack fic.

If this sounds like your cup of tea, read on.