A Brand New Mourning.


If there was ever anything people would say about Gerard and Frank, it’s that they we’re inseparable. Where there was one, there was another not far behind. They had practically the same aspirations and dreams, same interests and hobbies, same taste in music- give or take a few bands and if it wasn’t for their opposite looks it’s likely most people would mistake their names, seeing as they talked, walked and thought the same – well to the common outsider; of course, to them, they believed they we’re totally different. Which they were.

Gerard, he had morals. If there was anything the dark haired male disagreed with it was self exploitation; he disputed over the way people treated their bodies with so little respect; it didn’t make sense to him why anyone would want to sleep around, take drugs or even binge drink, never mind commit suicide like the helpless victims he heard about regularly on the television. To him, his body was his temple and he planned to look after himself as best as he possibly could.

Obviously, Frank had morals too, only his we’re of a different tradition, he had a completely different view on social life than Gerard, but he respected his best friend none the less, appreciated him in fact because when Frank was intoxicated and throwing himself at anyone who’ll drop their pants, he knew Gerard wasn’t far Behind keeping a watchful eye on him. Although, if there was ever one thing the young man didn’t agree with, it was a child being brought up in a single parent relationship. It never made sense to him why people would commit to having a child if they can’t even commit to each other! Although Frank never wanted to settle down himself, he knew he wouldn’t allow himself to become a father until he did finally decide not to sleep around and become a man who can provide for his kin.

It was no secret among their group of friends that Frank was the more daring of the two, often trying to push the limits as far as possible in anticipation of an exciting outcome; while Gerard was slightly more focused, willing to fool around but only to a certain extent. It was probably one of the reasons they clicked so well; their almost identical interests promised hours of in depth conversations that most people could never understand, yet their difference in personalities meant they didn’t clash. It’s imperative that in any relationship, everybody brings something different- something special to it, and they did just that.

“Hey,” Greys greeted, slapping the dark haired male on the back before placing his rather toned backside on the wooden bench beside Gerard. “Where’s Frank?” he asked almost instantly, noticing an absence at on the other side of the wooden plank, where the smaller of the two best friend’s usually perched.

“Doctors,” Gerard answered quickly; he had prepared to have that very question thrown at him at least a hundred times before Frank returned for third period. It was always the same, anytime one of them was away for any length of time people we’re buzzing and inquiring information on the others whereabouts, which, of course always freaked the two friends out, because it’s not like they were joined at the hip was it?


Gerard nodded robotically, causing a few rebellious strands of hair to flop into his face, he blew them away impatiently before changing the subject. Everyone was aware of Frank’s problem but nobody actually knew about it; as far as his friends were concerned he just had a weak immune system, it was only Gerard who he had bothered to explain it to in depth, revealing all the painful procedures he continuously underwent and the reasons behind his multiple checkups each month. In truth, both of the boys preferred things that way; it was another connection that only they shared.

Gradually the rest of the guys strolled into school one by one, still half asleep and aimlessly lifting their feet in the direction of the benches where everyone was sat. However, no matter how tired they where it always only took a matter of seconds for them to ask where the wild heart was, and Gerard as always, would inform them of Frank’s trip to the doctors.
_ _

Time began to pass a little slower than usual but Gerard still found himself cruising through lessons, almost in a dreamlike state. He never felt completely there when Frank wasn’t in school; although it’s subconscious, he manages to distance himself from the real world and transport his mind over to the nursing room where his best friend was probably sat. he’d always think up possible scenarios where he would comfort Frank in his times of need; even though, he knew full well that the checkups where like a second nature to Frank, he’d run through all the necessary tests as quickly as possible before rushing back to school where he’d be reunited with his bunch of friends, but most importantly Gerard. In truth the check ups where more of a stressful hassle to Gerard than they we’re to Frank.

The pale faced male clambered along the hallway, occasionally answering to the lost stares and confused questions with “At the doctors,” before he reached his social studies class at the end of the bland hallway. Nonchalantly, he entered the room and wormed his way through the numerous desks and swiveled chairs just to reach his seat; all the while, hoping another gust of people won’t be calling out after Frank. It was bad enough him not being there, even worse having to be reminded of his absence every five minutes.

Gerard sat down at his desk quietly, hoping the teacher would tell everyone to settle down and get their text books out; the continuous squall of delight bouncing across the room and soft rumble of distant conversations made him somewhat uneasy. It was no fun being alone.

Finally the teacher did tell the class to settle down and take their books out, much to Gerard’s relief and he found himself focusing on her every word in order to keep his mind of his absent best friend. Was he okay? Was he on his way back to school yet? Would Frank call him if the doctor does find something wrong with him this time?

“Can anyone give me two reasons for the increase of open homosexual partnerships?”

Gerard’s hand shot up. He was good at social studies, his argument is that it only requires common knowledge with some special names thrown in of recognized sociologists.
“Changes in the laws, and decline in stigma,” He stated confidentially, earning a grateful nod from the teacher and a small smile. A few people had turned around with raised eyebrows, but he brushed them off. It could only have been expected of his class mates to be a little surprised at Gerard’s ‘common knowledge’ seeing as he was absent last lesson and they had only just started the topic on families.

The lesson continued pretty much the same, with some added discussion which Gerard shied away from. He didn’t seem to have much of a voice when he wasn’t surrounded by Frank; in some strange way he gained reassurance just from being in the smaller boys presence. Sadly, he glanced over at the empty desk a couple of feet away from him; he longed to see his best friend slouched over the desk pulling funny faces and yawning every so often. Frank hated Social studies. Although, he loved it at the same time because it was the only lesson he and Gerard had together. The teachers had all gone out of their ways to split the duo up in all their chosen lessons because they held some widespread belief that the boys would achieve higher academically if they weren’t in the same classes. In context it worked, but neither of the boys where happy spending lesson times apart and claimed that the separation would cause them to fail because they’d be so unhappy in class alone.

Obviously, the time tables where never changed and they remained divided.

Gerard sighed slowly, hoping Frank would make it back for either break or third period, school just wasn’t the same without his best friend. It was at moments like those when Gerard really sympathized for the select few who had no friends. How did they survive? He often wondered.

By the time the lesson ended Gerard was worn down with boredom, he craved a decent conversation and something sweet to fill his stomach, however, he couldn’t decide between a chocolate bar or a jammy cake bar, just the thought made his stomach churn uncomfortably.
_ _

The corridors where full as Gerard trekked down them quickly, weaving between the multiple groups of people. Occasionally he caught sight of a smallish boy and his heart would leap, thinking it was Frank; of course he’d mentally slap himself for being so obsessive before he continued his venture out of the block. The cool air blew through his fading locks as he took a step outside, he had been thinking of getting a hair cut for quite some time and maybe re-dying it black.

As he trudged through the playground, his converse making healthy slaps against the concrete his stomach rumbled angrily once more; he pulled a chocolate bar from his inner jacket pocket and began to unwrap the silky purple wrapper, all the while listening to the numerous cheers and laughs coming from the benches at least ten meters away. Where he and his friends always that loud? He wondered. Once he looked up and took a bite of the sensuous substance he focused on his pack of friends again; it felt good to know that he and Frank were at the center of the group.

“Hey, Gerard‘s here!” Grey’s called making all his mates look up smiling. “Guess who‘s back…” he added, making the chocolaty mix gurgle as Gerard’s stomach somersaulted. His hazel eye’s scanned the table as he approached quickly, looking for that familiar glint of silver against tan. Within seconds he found what he was looking for and broke into an honest grin.

A boy with a bleached head peered around the bodies of his group, hoping to see his best friend. He jumped up instantly, his battered trainers hitting the ground as he barged over to the taller, more built of the two. They embraced in a calming hug and Gerard nuzzled the brown area of Franks faux hawk, like he always did when they shared such intimacy, he found the familiar scent reassuring to say the least.

“How was it?” the raven haired male asked his expression soft while reluctantly releasing his buddy.

“Same old, same old.”

Frank looked up at Gerard telling him all he needed to hear with just his eyes and Gerard understood like he always did, and remembered that his best friend is stronger than he looks- emotionally, mentally and physically. With a final smile, they both headed back to the bench, Frank sat his red jean clad back side onto a wooden slab whilst Gerard slipped the final brown square onto his tongue and instinctively stood behind Frank almost protectively before finally regaining his normal state of confidence.
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