I Need To Find My Way Back To The Start

“For now, I was on my own.”

Like the first half of the tour, the rest of it after that day with Rian Dawson went by at an extreme pace. The nights, locations, and vans/buses just rolled on by. Quite literally, too. There were two nights in Texas because the state is so damn big, then a show in New Mexico, and then one in our own home sweet home, Tempe, Arizona. I could remember that night well since it was so much fun. Since it was in our own city, we had Camille and Ali come. Of course, since we made them come and we knew them and all, they didn’t have to pay. It was free for the two completely. During the entire night though, we’d joke to them about how we told them that the only way we managed to get the two girls in was if they slept with the people that ran the venue afterwards. That included the security guards, too. It was all good fun though.

However, when I went back to the van with Pat and Jared because Pat needed his phone charger and I had needed an extra sweatshirt, we saw none other than Garrett and Ali pretty much rounding second base.

“Ugh!” Pat had called out, turning away from the scene.

Then after mumbling how gross that was and shielding my eyes, I had complained about how my eyes were decaying by the second. Ali rolled her eyes and Garrett flipped us off. Jared was laughing his ass off the entire time. I’m glad that somebody thought that Garrett and Ali’s heavy exchange of saliva was funny, ‘cause I sure didn’t. I didn’t think that Pat was too keen on the sight either.

The night didn’t end there though. There was still the matter of Kennedy and Camille. I swear… I didn’t know what was more revolting, Ali and my brother making out or Kenny and Camille twirling their attached hands around while telling the other how damn adorable the other was, then arguing about it. At first it was cute and all, but it quickly got infuriating and stomach-churning.

After the show, we all went to Denny’s and ate. Then we had to go because the next destination was Vegas and that’s when the worst part came—the goodbyes. That was horrible. Then again, after Vegas, there were only a couple tour dates left…

“It's time to go, so put all your clothes on
I've got the keys, baby you're so gone
It's time to go, so put on all your clothes
We're running late, and we both know.”

“Uh… I really don’t know if I should get a small or medium…”

I studied the girl in front of me. She looked really young, maybe 13, but she was gorgeous. She had very soft, virgin blonde hair and huge blue eyes that twinkled from the lights above us every time she scanned over a shirt on the rack behind me.

I looked behind me for a moment and turned back to the girl. “Well, you seem pretty small and I think the clothes run a little big, but then again… everything’s made out of cotton, so really, it depends on what you’re looking for,” I preached. “If you get the medium, it’ll be a little big on you for a while, but you’ll have it longer and it’ll adjust because it will shrink a bit in the wash. If you get the small, it’ll fit right immediately, but you might not have it as long compared to the medium.”

“Yeah, I was thinking the same thing!” She exclaimed. When she shut her mouth, the same face she wore before, one of concentration, reappeared. Then she finally stated with confidence, “I’ll just get one in medium and one in small.”

“Nice decision,” I praised with a nod of my head. “Best of both worlds. Now which ones?”

“Hm… That one,” her pale finger pointed to the shirt directly behind my head, “and that one near your left.”

I retrieved her wanted shirts in her sought after sizes and set them on the tabletop. I told her how much money she owed and the girl quickly paid me. “Have a nice night,” I nicely told her with a small smile.

“Thanks! And I appreciate all your help with my size situation there.” And then the girl smiled widely and ran off back to the band’s show. Just as I couldn’t see her or her blonde hair anymore, The Maine started up a new song. I had known their setlist by now and I could confidently tell you that the next song they were going to play was Girls Do What They Want.

The music started up, the opening beats and riffs confirming that I was most definitely right. John backed me up as he belted out, “She's 18 and a beauty queen
She makes the boys feel so weak
It's all for her, or none at all
She'll pick you up just to watch you fall.

I rocked back and forth on my heels to the song. It was one of my favorites, actually. However, I kept my focus. I needed it, because it seemed that people just kept coming from out of nowhere to come and buy stuff. It was weird though. There was absolutely no line whatsoever. It was like this: a girl would come up to me, buy her things, pay, and then leave. As soon as she was barely out of sight, another person would come up and repeat the process. It happened all night. It didn’t bother me though, except for the fact that I had no goddamn idea where Aaron was. Rarely did he ever come and help me out so far this tour. That bothered me more than a little but not enough to actually say something. Hell, even if I did, it would only backfire.

If I spoke up to Garrett, he would just complain and say that I was a baby and etc. I didn’t want to mention it to John because, honestly, I really didn’t want to trouble him too much. He was always busy or exhausted. Jared wasn’t an option because, well, he was too peaceful to pull into anything even close or bordering the line of drama. I didn’t want to let Pat know because, let’s face it, it would be so typical—the girlfriend complaining to the boyfriend and making him feel bad so he’d try to fix the problem, no matter how much shit he went through to do it. Cliché. It wasn’t going to be a choice anyway. And then there was Kennedy. Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy. Kenny… Kennedy Brock. No. He’s not going to be dragged into this either. Oh! Excuse me, but there was also Peter. You know… Peter. The weirdo that picked on me a hell of a lot more than my own brother. Enough said.

So that left me, really. But was I going to say anything to Aaron? Probably not. For various reasons, such as the fact that I really, really didn’t want to start a fire of raw tension between us. Plus, what was I going to say? ‘Oh, Aaron, why aren’t you ever there with me? It’s a real pain in the ass, just letting you know and all…’ Yeah, that’s not going to happen anytime soon. For now, I was on my own.
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Shitty chapter, guys. I apologize.