Status: Slow Updates

Never Play Twister With Love

Chapter - 02

Paulina’s P.O.V.

“OhMyGod! WE’RE HERE!” Sophie yelled, not to mention she sat right next to me. I watched her hop up and down in her seat, her head almost hitting the roof of the limo. But sure enough, the limo stopped.
If you haven’t noticed, my last name is the same as the name of our school but that’s only because my Grandparents are the founders of this school. Which was name after them as a show of gratitude; it is also one of the top schools in the region.
“Misses, we have arrived.” Bob announced.
I look out the window next to me and there I see my brother standing there with his friends, possibly waiting for us. As Bob got our bags out of the car, we snuck up behind Ryan and… tackled him! When he regained his balance, I got off as Cody came up to us with the rest of the guys.
“Hey! How’s my soon-to-be-sister-in-law?” Cody joked, while grabbing a hold of Ryan’s arm.

Audrey’s P.O.V.

We all laughed as Ryan just grumbled curses at Cody.
“Don’t worry. You two will make a lovely couple.” I said.
Now let me explain that Cody isn’t actually gay. He just loves getting on his Best Friend, a.k.a Ryan’s, nerves. Just like everyone else!
As Crazy Joe and Serena exchanged hugs with everyone as did Paulina, while I pretty much tackled Vanessa. Vanessa was like one of our bestest friend, though we don’t spend much time together considering she’s a year older then us – Ryan’s age -
We soon took notice to an elderly couple walking towards us, with a smile on their face.
“Grandma, Grandpa!” Paulina exclaimed when they came into view.
When they got close enough Paulina hugged her Grandma as her Grandpa gave Ryan a pat on the back.
“How’s the second man in the house doing?” Grandpa joked
“Good” he said, sounding quit proud of himself
There was a pause that Paulina soon broke.
“Oh right. Well Grandpa, Grandma you remember Audrey, Sophie and Serena, right?” Paulina said as she pointed to us.
“And this is Cody, Thomas and Vanessa.” Ryan said added.
“Oh so I see our Ryan’s got himself a Girlfriend and a pretty one too” Paulina’s Grandpa teased.
“Oh Jerry, quit teasing the poor boy.” Paulina’s Grandma said.
“Aww is Ryan blushing?” Sophie teased
“Yes, Ryan’s taken but by me” Cody butted in.
We all laughed, I’m guessing that Paulina’s Grandparents caught onto it being a joke since they were laughing along with us.

Sophie’s P.O.V.

I was giving Thomas a hug when I looked over his shoulder, to see my Ex-Boyfriend from like ehh… last week. He was such an annoying bitch. When he noticed me, he glared at us. I gave his a sarcastic smile when I finally noticed poor Thomas trying to get out of my grip.
“Oops! My bad.” I apologized as I slowly let go.
As we approached the school, I saw Martin another one of my Ex-Boyfriends from Freshman Year.
I broke up with him after 4 weeks because we didn’t spend enough time together. Well that’s what I thought; he thought we were already spending too much time. -.-
He still never forgave me.
Oh well.
I was pulled back to reality when Vanessa asked us what lunch period we had. That’s when we remembered that we still didn’t get our dorm key and timetable! Shoot, the lines are probably like a kilometer away from the school by now. It’ll take us forever now!

Serena’s P.O.V.

Everyone was hugging and laughing when suddenly, I saw him.
I ran up to him, almost tripping but not. When I got there, I just stood in front of him, and stared at him and maybe even smiled, a bit too much at him.
So maybe he got freaked, because his smile, it looked really hesitant.
And then I realized, I didn’t say anything yet. :O
So quickly, I covered and said hi.
I asked him about his summer, and he asked me about mine. Of course, I didn’t tell him that it would have been so much better if he were with me.
As we were walking, something wonderfully delightful happened. I tripped.
But then! As I was going to smash my nose and break it for the third time this year, he caught me and laughed at me.
OMG! I just remembered. I haven’t introduced him to you yet.
His name Zachary, but we all call him Zach.
Some people might think he’s kind of average looking, but to me, he was a special angel sent to me from my personal heaven.
And no, I didn’t die.
And I am not love sick either. Much.
His captivating and mysterious personality caught me in the tangled web of this weird thing people called, cheese string.
Right? Because cheese string is quite cheesy and soft and mushy, like love!
Okay never mind. That just made me want to throw up.
Moving on.

Paulina’s P.O.V.

We were just talking when I finally noticed that Serena went missing. Oh No! where’d Serena go? I asked around but no one knew.
“OH MY GOD! What if she got kidnapped by someone…*GASP* or someTHING” I panicked/joked.
“you mean like by an alien? Or, or, or… WE RUN” Sophie joked while quoting a part of one of our favorite movies.
“GREAT IDEA! Maybe the aliens won’t think we’re purple grapes but mistake us from jumping moonberries of which they are allergic too! SAVE YOURSELVES WHILE YOU CAN!” Audrey warned.
“Uh…what are you guys screaming about?” asked Serena with a confused look on her face.
“OhMyGod Serena you’re ALIVE!” we yelled in unison.
“I was so worried!” Crazy Joe fake sobbed on her shoulder.
Serena made a funny face [o.O] but instead of telling us how weird we were like usual, she got a sad look on her face, which needless to say did not go unnoticed by any of us.
“Aww, what’s wrong Serenade?” asked Crazy Joe while patting her shoulder.
“We didn’t really think that you got kidnapped by aliens.” Audrey added.
I just stood there unsure of what to say. I wasn’t that good with comforting people, just taking their minds off it. So instead I went over to my grandparents, still listening to what they were talking about. I don’t think that they really mind it; they know I’m not the one to be seen comforting someone.
Serenade was quiet for a minute but when she spoke, it sounded like her heart had shattered into a million little pieces.
“Zach. He’s…switching schools. Somewhere in the middle of the year.”
“OhMyGosh I can’t believe it!” Crazy Joe squeaked, “How come?”
“He doesn’t know.” Serenade reply.
That’s when I finally realized that I couldn’t take seeing Serenade like this anymore, all sad and miserable. I turned back to them.
“Does he at least know where he’s transferring to? Bet he’s going to some all boys’ school to get Cody pissed off.” [;D] I joked, which seems to have helped… a bit.
“Any who- how- way…” I continued trying to find the right one to use.
“Yeah…?” they asked, waiting for me to continue.
“Huh? Oh yeah. I GOT GOOD NEWS!” I exclaimed.
“What!?!” Audrey exclaimed wanting to know, as well as the others.
“Thanks to my AWESOME grandparents, we don’t need to wait in any Kilometer far line. They have our schedules, dorm and car keys with them” I said with a huge grin on my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the delay; with school and having to go by each other- not the easiest thing. ;D

Haha I know. Pauline goes WAY off topic at the end, but that's probably what 'Paulina' would have done.

Thanks For Reading- Comment are nice too :3