Sequel: Beyond the Sun

The Bird and the Worm

thirty eight - the promises

((Brian’s POV))

As the curtain blocking the aisle was drawn back, Heather, dressed in a simple white gown that had most likely been provided by the chapel, was slowly revealed.

Her bright blue eyes watched me as she stepped forward, Jimmy at her side, and I smiled back at her as Jimmy offered his hand to her. She quickly clasped her hand in his, and I knew she was nervous. I was amazingly thrilled that we were doing this today. It only felt right, it really did. The way she moved, even dressed like this, had my heart aching, wishing that I could just rush up to her and carry her down the aisle. But this walk was important to her. It was important to me. It was important to the people that were here as our witnesses.

She mouthed the words ‘I love you’ to me, and I returned them, my heart almost breaking as a tear fell from her eye. Jimmy gave her hand a supportive squeeze, and in the next second, she was right in front of me, truly a vision, a woman very different from the shy college girl that had come backstage with me five months and some odd days ago.

Jimmy kissed her cheek, and then he pulled me into a tight hug.

I hugged him back for a moment, and I smiled when he said, “This one will take care of you, Bri. I just know it.”

“Thanks, Jimmy.”

“Yeah, whatever. Don’t make me kiss you again.” He winked, and then he stepped back to sit with the rest of the gang.

And then, for the first time, I felt the depth of Heather’s commitment to me as she folded her hands into mine and stared up into my eyes. As a man, it should have shamed me, but I’ll admit that the intensity of her eyes watching mine made my heart melt, and when I smiled down at her, I could tell that hers did, too.

She was so much more different from the Heather Byrd from five months ago. That girl had been shy, barely confident enough to kiss me or ask to hold my hand, always shifty around the guys, but she. She was confident, always ready for a kiss, never afraid to take my hand, and she’d become best friends with the people I’d known all my life in a few short days because of her appeal. The girl from before had been a little grungy, hiding herself behind band tees and baggy, jeans, but she. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

And I didn’t give a shit if it sounded too stereotypical to be natural.

((Jimmy’s POV))

I’m telling you right now, it nearly tore me in two to see the way he looked at her when I brought her to the altar to marry him. There was something in his eyes that had never once been there in all of the five years he’d loved Michelle, and the way he didn’t take his eyes off her as she folded her hands into his about killed me. I was glad to see him so happy, to be sure, but as his best friend, I was always going to be a bit skittish about shit like this.

But, the woman was fucking gorgeous. Brian would never say it like that, of course, but she was. He’d say she was ‘painfully beautiful’ or ‘undeniably the most gorgeous woman on the planet’ or something like that, but she was a fucking vision in that wedding dress. I was sure that not even Michelle, who was, by no mistake, a gorgeous woman, could have ever looked like that standing at Brian’s side.

Val reached over and closed her hand around mine, and when I turned to thank her, both she and Matt were smiling at me, their eyes a little misty already because how fucking amazing this Vegas wedding was.

‘Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Brian Elwin Haner, Jr. and Heather Leann Byrd.’

Of course a sap like Brian would make it as traditional as possible for his girl. I smiled a little, I couldn’t help it, I was so fucking proud of him. He was finally manning up and taking one for the team- giving himself to the one person everyone in the band knew was good for him.

‘If anyone has a reason that these two should not be joined, speak now or forever hold your peace.’

If anyone had stood up and said something, I swear that I would have gotten up and fucking clobbered them. I saw Brian give Heather’s hands a squeeze, calming her, trying to ease her nerves, and I saw her crack a smile, her eyes never leaving his. Val squeezed my hand again, and I almost let a tear fall, I swear to God. This thing was so fucking perfect, dude.

And I didn’t have to be a mind reader to know what Brian was thinking. He was probably thinking about saying ‘I do’ at the right part or not fucking up the kiss or making sure he didn’t end up crying like a little girl once this gorgeous woman was his wife. Slowly, he laced his fingers into Heather’s, and I could see her bite her lip to keep it from trembling as he discreetly whispered that he loved her.

‘Brian Haner, do you take this woman to be your wife, and do you swear to always be love her, take care of her, and always be with her?’

His voice trembled when he uttered the binding words. “I do.” The priest held out a delicate white gold band, and Brian released Heather’s right hand so that he could slide the ring onto her left. For a few moments, he held that hand tightly between both of his, and gently, he added, “Always.”

‘Heather Byrd, do you take this man to be your husband, and do you promise to love him, nurture him, and always be with him?’

She was gripping his hands tightly in hers. “I do,” she said, and they both smiled at each other. I almost felt the need to look away. That moment just seemed so…private. “Forever.” The priest gave her a thicker-looking golden band, and she held Brian’s left hand in her trembling one, sliding the ring into place and holding his hand tight between both of hers, assuring herself that all of this had actually happened.

‘Then I now pronounce you two husband and wife. Brian, you may kiss your bride.’

And then, just like that, my best friend was married.

He grinned and slipped his hands onto Heather’s waist, and hers found his neck as he leaned in and she got up on her toes, their first kiss as a married couple. I looked away this time. This was their moment, not mine. I felt like I would have been invading it if I’d watched. Val’s hand squeezed mine, and I looked over at her. She was snug right against Matt’s side, and his arm was around her. Her free hand was holding onto his leg, and he smiled at me, swiping at a tear that threatened to slide down his face. Val was already sobbing, and she was dabbing hopelessly at her eyes with a soggy tissue.

With a small smile, I pulled one out of my pocket and held it out to her. She smiled gratefully before putting the thing to good use.

I glanced in the other direction, and I saw Vengeance holding Gina close to his side, rubbing her arm and trying to get her to stop crying. Johnny was sniffling like a baby beside me, and I couldn’t feel any more tears coming until I glanced back at the altar, where Brian and Heather were standing.

He had his arms around her waist, and hers were wrapped tightly around his torso. He was holding her so tightly yet so lovingly that it made my gut feel all funny, and a few tears dripped from my eyes. I didn’t care. I wasn’t going to ruin their day with my emotions, even if we were in a chapel in the middle of Vegas. He told her that he loved her, and she gave his chest a kiss, grinning, her eyes closed.

I felt so fucking proud of him.

They were so perfect together, and the way they loved each other was obvious to everyone else in the room. I mean, for crying out loud, everyone else was crying over it.

“You alright over there, Vengeance?”

He nodded. “You?”

“I’m really happy for him, that’s all.”

“Aw come on, Jimmy, don’t break down on me now.” I looked up, and Brian stood in front of me, a broad grin on his face, his new bride tucked at his side. “Thank you, man.”

“For what, dude? I didn’t do anything.”

“Yeah you did. If it hadn’t been for what you said to me seven months ago, I might not have started that contest and..well.” He tugged Heather closer for emphasis on what he couldn’t verbally say. “So thanks. I owe you.”

“Nah. You paid me back today, bro. I haven’t seen you this fucking happy in a long time.” He patted my arm, and then I turned to Heather. “God, girl. You actually look like a woman right now,” She smiled, and then she held her arms out for me. I gave her a very warm hug, and she gently touched her lips to my cheek. “You take care of him, now. I love you two way too much to see you break up.”

She pulled back, laughing and swiping at a few leftover tears. “I promise, Jimmy. I’ll be real good to him.” His arm slipped from her waist, and she twined her fingers into his, touching her thumb to his wedding ring and looking up into his eyes. I patted Brian’s arm before I slipped past them, finding whoever it was that was in charge of their makeshift reception.

“Yes, sir?”

“For the first dance, could you play this song?”

I handed him the slip of paper, and he opened it briefly, looking at it for a moment before nodding at me. “I can certainly play this.” He quickly shook my hand, and then I returned to the gang, who were now crowded around the happy couple, ready to continue on to the reception.