The Day Everything Changed

You hear about them everyday. Random shootings in the outside world. Everyone thinks they won't happen to you.

They can, and they will.

Rachel Anderson always thought her and her best friend Bailey would go through everything together. They would be there when they graduated high school and eventually college. They would be there for each other when the other got married in a huge church.

That was all before though. All before Rachel's life came tumbling down.

Kingdom High School will never be the same after a young boy goes on a shooting spree killing fifteen people including himself.

The only thing Rachel can do with Bailey now, is go to her funeral...

This is the story of a girl who lost it all as she tries to go through life without dying herself too. After all, Bailey always said, "Why don't you just live a little Rach?"

Rachel Anderson
Bailey McKenzie
Jackson Scott
Chris Bowen
Owen Anderson