Juvenile Delinquent

Pixie sticks?

The next day I get woken up to my ring tone again. I shove my head under my pillow and let it ring a few times before checking the clock. The neon green numbers tell me that it is exactly 7:23. Way too early for me but I grab the phone anyway, positive that it is my mom calling.

“Mom, I would really appreciate it if I was able to sleep past eight sometimes.” I grumble half asleep into the phone.

“What? Cass, are you okay?”

Wait a second.

“Jamie? Is that you?”

“Yeah, and Matt’s here too, hold on, I’ll go get him.”

‘Jamie, I’m almost to level eighty!’ I hear Matt whine on the other line. I can only imagine that
Jamie is fixing him with a death glare right now. I hear a few more shuffles and some bangs before Matt comes on.

“Hey Cassie, how’s it there?”

“Great Matt, are you keeping Jamie in place?”

“Yep! Ow! Thanks Cass, she just hit me with a dvd case.” I laugh and then hear a click.

“Hey I’m on my sister’s phone so I can talk too.” Jamie says. “And by the way, if anyone needs to keep anyone in place, it would have to be me. Matt is out of control.”

"Hey! I'm offended!” Matt grumbles and I can picture his pouting face, though he is clearly back at the x-box and not offended in any way.

“As you should,” She says dryly. “Now Cass, how bad is it there?”

“Do you need us to come and save you?” Matt puts in.

I laugh at that. “It’s okay here guys. Nothing I can’t handle. By the way, what are you guys doing up so early?” I ask not really sure that I want to know the answer.

“We had pixie sticks: lots and lots of them!” Matt’s excited voice says over the phone. “We haven’t slept all night!”

I groan. “Jamie?”

“I’m sorry Cass! But he begged me for them and I couldn’t say no to him!”

“Jamie, do we have any more pixie sticks?” Matt cuts in. “I want a purple.”

“No more Matt. You had like sixty last night. What you need is a good strong cup of coffee.”

Jamie chides. “We’ll talk to you later, Cass. Matt needs a little caffeine.”

“Okay, see you guys.” I say with a sigh.

“Bye, Cass.” Matt says then I hear a click.

“Talk to you later, Cassie, It’ll be fine.” Click.

I sigh again and toss my cell phone on the side table, careful to put it on silent so I can’t be woken up again and fall back asleep.


“Cassieee, wake uppp.” This time a sing-song voice wakes me up and I’m sure that it’s Reese.

“Reese, if you know what’s good for you, you will shut up and let me get another hour of sleep.” I warn, throwing my pillow at where she’s standing at the doorway.

She neatly dodges it and hops onto my bed, making me flop around until I fall with a shriek to the floor.

“It’s already ten.” She says looking down at me from her perch on my bed.

“I don’t care.” I pull another one of my pillows off of the bed and tug a corner of the blanket until it semi covers me.

“Well, then I guess you don’t want the scrambled eggs I made.”

I think about it for a second and then knock her down on our way through the door way. We tumble, laughing down the stairs and make our way to the old-fashioned kitchen, following the smell of warm breakfast food.

“Morning,” Chris mumbles around a mouthful of toast. I give him a half wave and plop down across from him, grabbing a slice of toast and a knife.

Reese places the eggs in the middle of the table and I make a dive for the spoon, making Chris curse when he sees that I got it. I stick out my tongue and then fill my plate up, leaving enough for the both of them.

“So, what are we doing today?” Reese says.

“How about we explore?” I say grabbing for a glass of orange juice.

“Sure, where though?” Chris says taking my glass from me and chugging the last of it.
I make a face. “Do you guys have any woods around here?”

“Woods?” Reese screws her face up in concentration and then smiles. “Yeah, at the back of town, I think. I’ve only been there once, though.”

I shrug and grin. “Well, then we can explore together.”
Chris calls Ryan to come with us and soon we are on our way; them on their skateboards and me on one of Reese’s old bikes. They offered one of their old skateboards but I firmly refused. My bruises from yesterday are going to take long enough to heal without adding on more.

The ride through town is nice and refreshing. The skate park is on the other side of town so I didn’t get to see this part of home town yet. There’s a mall surrounded by smaller outlet stores and a grocery store further down. We go by the elementary school and high school next; the elementary school playground alive with screaming kids.

Next is a playground that isn’t attached to any school, a library, a baseball field, and then finally the woods.

I hop off of the bike and toss it to the ground near where the other’s left their skateboards, thanking my mom for reminding me to pack sneakers, we head into the woods.
♠ ♠ ♠
Revised, December 16, 2011