Our Lady of sorrows


"Yup don't think we'll be having one o' them parties like that again" Frankie lifted his cigarette to his chapped lips. "People are still coughing up sushi." He blew a perfect smoke ring twords the house we neared. Frankie was the first ever freshmen to smoke. 9th graders at the high worshiped him like a god, but were to afraid themselves to try a puff.

I shrugged walking with Frankie trying to match is steps with mine. He was a very fast walker. And according to Francis the stalker, 'Frank had a nice butt swing to go along with it.' It was a cold morning cold enough to wear my favorite jacket that had the misfits skull on it. It was only for those 'cold' September days. Which for me, meant about 60 degrees. It was really for winter and I just loved it so much I had to wear it before then.

"Frank blew another perfect smoke ring my way. "You 'spose we could get girlfriends Gee?"

"Wow that was a little off the subject." I tried not to look at Frankie's eyes, but he bent over twords me. His hair covering his left eye.

"Well You didn't seem to 'into' the first one so..." Frankie motioned with his hands. "So....comment!"

"Okay ya we could have girlfriends." I said bluntly. But Frank seemed nearly satisfied.

"Oh, Who would be your bitch, eh'? Got a special girl you wanna..." Frankie held his arms in a cradling position making kissy noises with his lips.

I slapped him on the back of the head. sending his head flying into his cigarette.

"OUCH! HEY!" Frank wiped the ash from his cheek and glared at me. "Your a fuckin meanie ya know that!"

The bus slowly approached with Ms. Crow, the lesbian bus driver. She sneered at me and Frankie like she did every day and told us to ' Find a seat God DAMNIT!' before the game was on.

I took my seat at the very back and put my favorite Queen tape into my cassette player. I put the head phones on, and closed my eyes. It was nice just to escape into music. It takes you some where, you lose track of time and life and problems...it, in a way saves you.

"Gerard!" Frank lifted one ear phone and yelled inside! "Gerard who's your girlfriend!" I flipped him off and Frankie just shrugged and pointed behind me.

I opened one eye, turned around to see none other then Wendy Parker sitting behind me trying to open my window.

"Dude her boobs are like right above your head!" He whispered rather loudly. Wendy whipped around looking at me.

"Hehehe." I smiled and blushed, gave her a tiny wave. She rolled her eyes and sat back down.

I slapped Frankie hard on the back of the head!

"AH! Why do you keep doing that!" Frankie rubbed the back of his head which between the black hair was red as my cheeks.

"You deserved it you dip-shit!" I turned to make sure Wendy wasn't still looking at us. coast was clear. "She thought I said somthing about her boobs!"

Frankie shrugged. "I would have, If the were my boobs."

I slapped him again. Its all your fault, You threw-up on my fuckin' steering wheel you douche! other wise we would be driving to the hell hole not ridding this bitch!"

"Hey! you said you wanted to go on the bus today! you said it cost to much to park at school any ways!"

"Shhhh! shut-up! Frank!" I whisper-yelled! BUt Frankie stood up on the seat and took a huge breath. "Frrrraaaaaaaaaannnnnkkkkkkk!!!! If you say anyth-"


I grabbed his converse and pulled him down but he clawled right back up and yelled so more!


"YAEH!" THe whole bus echoed!

"Frank Anthony Iero! You are Fuckin' DEAD!"

"CAN I HEAR A WOOT-WOOT" Frank made sexy hand moitions to the crowd.


"OH YA!"

I put up my hood for the rest of the bus ride. Frankie was gonna pay. REVANGE IS MINE!