Our Lady of sorrows

Gerard (Guitar World)

I put the key in ignition to my old beat up Toyota. I felt completely humiliated. I closed my eyes and turned on the A/C. I glanced over at Mikey who was wrestling his seat belt like it was a python.

"Mikey that's the wrong seat belt." I said my eyes still closed from humiliation.

Mikey looked around and found the other seat belt and quickly buckled it into place. I let out a breath of relief and backed out of the parking spot.

"You know Gee that was pretty crazy what you did back there." Mikey was holding back laughter. "I really think she liked you."

"Shut-up! Go fuck a cow or something!" I started on to the highway feeling sort of depressed. Okay I had the biggest thing for Wendy Parker. She was so amazing. I completely blew it while taking my little brother to a 'Kiddo casino' and now my love life is screwed, thanks Mikey I owe ya one.

We finally got out of the parking lot when we past the guitar world store. I looked at my watch I still had time to spare and I really didn't have to study for a test, well I should but I won't. I only need a 3.0 average to go to art school and I'm already accepted so, why bother with the rest of school right?

"Wait were stopping at Guitar World? I thought you had to study for a test!" Mikey sat frozen in the car. Arms crossed with an angry betrayed look on his face.

"Ya well I lied." I slammed my car door and made sure it locked, unlike last time. Mickeys jaw was slung open to form a, ah!-so-unfair! look. "Hey its Guitar World, Or Hell you pick."

Mikey mumbled a bit and got out of the car. His head hung over his shoulders like they were only being held by a string. He kicked the passenger door and it shut barley hard enough to lock it.

I walked into guitar world like I owned it. Looking at things that made such sweet music gave me chills and, took away embarrassing moments. I picked up a red guitar in the shape of a bat.

"Oh Mikey! look at how wicked this one is!" I started an imitation of a crazy drugged out guitarist rocking out on the guitar. Sticking out my tongue and waving it in Mikey's face.

"Eww! Gerard your breath smells like shit!" Mikey waved his hand in front of his face while his other hand promptly held his nose pinched closed.

I made a finishing slide to my performance and returned the guitar to its shelf on the wall. Damn I wish I could play an instrument like that.

Mikey picked up a sparkling blue bass and played a random note in a monotone vibe. He nodded his head and puffed out his bottom lip. His little rock star 'cool' face.

"I could play this thing Gerard." He played another random note and held up the fist of rock. "Look I'm a natural." I couldn't held laughing.

"Sure you are Mikey sure you are." I turned around and picked up a square looking microphone. "Hey Mikey check this out, we could be rock stars." I sang a random tune rather badly and looked at Mikey who was putting back the bass.

His smile dropped as he put back the guitar.

"Whats the matter Mikey Don't you wanna be a rock star!" It was for fun Mikey take a joke!

"No I'd love to be a rock star. but. . ."

"But what?! You have awesome fans and like a tour bus, your own make up line and your face on t-shirts! What more do you want dip-shit?"

Mikey crossed his arms over his chest. "I dunno like a girl friend and stuff." He shuffled his feet and hung his head again.

"Ha ha Mikey are on crack, You'll have more girls then you can fuck! they'll worship you man!"

Mikey looked up. "They will?"

"Ya, They'll be like," I used a really high voice. "Oh Mikey your so HOT OH and your brother Gerard is SO SEXY" We both laughed.

Mikey slowed down laughing, and took down the blue bass again. "You think we could be rock stars Gerard?"

"Why not." I laid on my back with my arms crossed behind my head. An old lady stared at my stomach and I rubbed it and blew a kiss . She made a sour looking face and mouthed the word pervert and started to walk away. she turned to have one last look at me. I winked at her and licked my lips. This time the old hag walked quickly to the cash register. I laughed some more. "Life's good Mikey, Life's good."

"Yeah I'm gonna hold that to you when your suicidal. I'll be like Gerard remember that time you said life was so great!"

"And I'm say: 'Damn it Mikey I was stupid and young!"

We laughed so more and finally left the store.