Our Lady of sorrows


I walked away from Poor Frank leaving him in a world wind of my emotions just like a mad hurricaine. Because to tell you the truth i didn't even know i walked away until i looked back to see frankies little eyes stare back at me from about a couple meters away.

I walked down a street corner and looked across the forgotten cemetary that Gerard loved so much. How come every thing I did was so easily forgotten. Play the small roles in plays if any, always sits out of scary things the band did. Well I mean playing the ojibi board is a hell of scary I hate ghosts! But even being the bassest in the back of everything except for Matt or...sometimes Bob who would play drums but even then I was the kid in the back that know one looked at. i couldn't really blame myself for that though that was just the way i was Gerard was the first born always a crowd please. Biggest Ham i ever met. And Frankie Good Old Frankie was always a lady killer had a new girl for every day of the week. Bob was always making drum pattern on lunch tables and books cuz he could never stop it it was like a disease.

Me well, I really didnt do anything for the band really except maybe have a low line of three note to do over and over again. But i really hated everything I've been doing lately. To myself Gerard the band it seemed we were really at a stand still.

I stopped feeling sorry for myself and walked down my street I could see only a few houses
with lights on considering the time it wasn't all that late maybe like 9:00. I looked at my watch okay 11:00....so not so early. Mom and Dad would be asleep.

Maybe i could borrow the car and go down town....yeah and maybe i could Go to a club and just find a chick and sleep with her....sounds pretty easy to me. And I mean I've seen drunk girls their super easy...I think. How hard can it be.

I reached my house and looked a couple houses down thinking how long it would take to drive to a really close club i grabbed my keys from the spare pocket in my jacket and was just about to put the key in when the door pretty much opened.

Strange I thought usually mom and dad lock the door before the go to bed, or at least that's what normal old people do when they just about go to sleep.

I walked in. The foier was pretty cold but i took off my jacket. I kept hearing this noise it wasn't loud, just irritating. sounded like the couch was squeaking. What the Hell?!? Someone was definitely in the house!

I ran and got a base ball bat from the closet and ran into the family room where the haunted squeaky couch was! I quickly turned on the light, and found Baily Letterman, or at least it was a messed up Baily Letterman Practically on top of my Brother whom, last i was led to believe was at the Belle ville General Hospital recovering from an almost fatal Car accident!


Baily, Err whoever the black haired Girl on top of Gerard was started to move off the couch and look back at Gee.

"nice seeing you Gerard, Mikey." She said fidgeting with her hair trying to fix what looked as messed up as she did. "Um I think i better go." Running out of the house with crazy ass speed the little Baily Letterman like Girl was out of the door in seconds.

I just looked at Gerard and raised an eyebrow I wasn't mad at him, well you can't be mad at someone for being a typical bastard can you? But He was giving this look like he had just had a boner or something...which i really hope he hadn't because it sort of creeped me out when guys would talk about that stuff even my own brother. I really didn't wanna know.

"Who was that?" I asked. trying to sound completely interested.

Gerard put his hands behind hid head and sighed like a Disney Princess before a Disney wedding.

"That my intrusive brother was our Nebor Baily Letterman." Gerard gave a wolf whistle. "Wasn't she HOT!?"

"She looked like a prostitute at a funeral." True

"Those are the Girls i like."

I raise the other eyebrow."She was pretty different."
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Commet please!!!!!