Clearly misunderstood.

chapter four

I closed my eyes thinking my eyes had begun to play games on me; why I would see him I have no idea. But instead he still stood there his arms wrapped tightly around Stephanie’s waist as if claming her, I glanced at Ryan, his eyes rolled then looked towards me with a smile. I didn’t bother smiling back, I just looked back at Stephanie.

His lips found hers moments after, the smile on her face never falling, I shook my head from jealousy, anger, pain; it was all to much. Stephanie pulled away, her laugh ringing through my ears. “Oh,” she paused looking at me, a blush rising in her cheeks. “Sorry, Em this is Seth, Seth this is my cousin Emily.”

His arms unwrapped themselves from her waist, his hand slowly outstretching towards me. “Nice to see you.” I looked at his hand, then back at his face. He, Seth the boy I had cried over, the boy that I had thought I loved, was standing in front of me acting as if I had never existed.

I stared at his hand then back at him, I noticed his eyes had changed they were no longer the golden brown I loved but, more of a coal black, almost frightening. His eyes widen at me but pulled his hand back to his side. Stephanie glanced at Seth then to myself.

"Alright," Seth said clapping his hands together. "Let's get going. Ryan you need a ride?" I looked at Ryan and smiled, he could save me from this horrible ride. I closed my eyes and slightly nodded my head as he glanced at me.

"Yeah, that would save my mom a trip." he paused, looking my way then quickly winked. "Thanks." he said turning back towards Seth and Stephanie.

I didn't think I could make a friend so fast, but Ryan proved me wrong. We'd been walking towards the luggage area to pick up Ryan's and my bags. Stephanie and Seth walked behind us, her giggling ringing through my ears, and his whispers echoing off the walls. "So how do you know Seth?" Ryan asked, his hand brushing down my arm.

I looked over my shoulder, I couldn't really describe the feeling, coming from my body. I hadn't thought about him since he left. "I, I knew him from school." I paused, looking back at Ryan. "Why?"

"Well when someone offers there hand you usually shake it." he chuckled. "And the look you gave him sorta said that you knew him." I chuckled to myself, nodding. It was like that until the parking area, when I forgot to keep my eyes on Stephanie and Seth. Ryan had magically appeared by Stephanie’s side and Seth's hand wrapping around mine pulling me back towards him.

"Emily let me-" I pulled my hand out of his grasp glaring at him. I didn't want to know his excuses, I didn't want to ever see him again, but somehow that seemed impossible now.

I didn’t need to say anything, his hand let mine free, his eyes casting downward. I didn’t wait for him to change his mind and grab my hand back insisting on talking to me. Speeding up towards Stephanie and Ryan, I couldn’t help but wonder why he left to begin with; what had been so wrong with me that he couldn’t even say goodbye. I felt my eyes sting as I stared at the black pavement, I reminded myself there was no longer a reason to cry, no longer a reason to show that I was weak to those who seemed stronger to me, I was starting fresh even if it meant some of my past forbade to leave.

Ryan’s house happened to be about five minutes away from Stephanie’s, but though those five minutes I swear I could have suffocated; the air seemed to have condensed to a small cupboard. Every ten to twelve seconds I would quickly glance to the rearview mirror finding Seth’s eyes blazing into my own. Frightening, that’s what they looked like now, no longer warm and inviting, but frightening.

Dirt flew around the car as we drove into the driveway, I couldn’t stand the air in the car. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat my hand already reaching for the handle. The door flew open, my feet tripping over the other trying to get as far from the car as possible. I heard Steph giggle. “Whoa Em, I’ve seen people get car sick from him driving, but I’ve never seen someone throw themselves out the car door.” My face, I swear would have lit on fire if it could have; the heat radiating from my body to my face was humiliating.

“Whatever.” Taking in a deep breath I turned around looking at the house that I hardly remembered. I closed my eyes, continuing to take deep breaths. Memories, I have learned, are always painful, happy, sad, all of them; all pain.
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Im extremely sorry that i wasnt able to update and that this is so short but i have had writers block for so long until inspiration hit last night. Well i hope you like it. comment please. :) it always helps with me writing faster :)