Status: Unlikely to be finished.



The bickering and riot of many men came from a near-by meeting room in the countries capital building. There loud roars echoed down the empty hallways of the building. The argument of only invited guests seemed as if there would be no end. Scientists, surgeons, doctors, and men from the government system were the only ones that attended this meeting in the capital's meeting room.

"This is madness! You preach of how many lives you might save, but you do not think of the person that would be the host for this project! You did say that it would be 'a weapon of war' after all!" One scientist roared expressing his individual thoughts about the subject at hand.

"This is impossible! Not even the best surgeons would be able to preform this task even with the advancements of technology!" Another, possibly a doctor or surgeon, addressed for the public.

The loud obnoxious squabbling continued as the persons that were present make note of what everyone had to say. The quarrel suddenly stopped in an instant when all of the present guests saw the presence of two unfamiliar visitors.

"Who are you two?!" One of the politicians from across the room said.

"I'm sorry gentlemen, but it seems that I forgot my party invitation." The taller of the two visitors said in a cocky way.

Of the new persons that arrived the man that spoke was tall and thin. He had jet black hair and coal colored eyes. The presence of him made some of the more meeker doctors shiver in fear. His companion also had dark shaded hair, but not coal colored eyes. They were lighter in color, a darkened hazel, but just as cold in appearance like his taller, older companion. The taller one's age had to be around twenty-five while his friend's was no older than nineteen. Also the both of them wore the same type of white medical coat.

"It seems to me that you gentlemen have a situation on your hands. Might I offer some words of wisdom?" The taller friend said with a sharpened tongue.

"How would you two be of help to us?! You two are young and lack experience even if you are doctors!" One scientist spat trying to be poisonous; however his words had no affect.

"You are young and lack experience" heh, they're not very humorous are they? Or intelligent for that matter. The coal eyed guest thought to himself. He walked over to the end of the oak table, rested his elbows on it, weaved his fingers together, and rested his head on top of them. Finishing his thought out loud in a cocky manner so that every one would be enlightened he continued, "Well, I'm just saying that if you gentlemen hand over this project to me and my friend it would be a very smart move on your part. How 'bout I give you men three days to decide. Does that sound fair enough?"

The dark hair man's devious evil grin pierced through the room like a newly honed spear leaving every individual petrified in fear.
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The first time I wrote this chapter (well prologue) on mibba it signed me out and deleted it. I was really mad. It was a pain in the butt to retype it.