Status: Unlikely to be finished.



The thwarted dirt pathway that lead into the near by town from the diminutive house was thin and at some places hard to travel on. The forests large boulders, despite the darkness of the night, made many detours in the direct route that the two persons were taking from the building to the suburban city. Many leaves covered the pathway because of the seasons and the intense winds that the surrounding area gets from time to time. The discolored leaves made the hard earth look like a mixture of many paints and hid the true color of the forest floor well.

"Wait a second can you explain that again. My brain is starting to hurt." One of the travelers of the pathway, the person that was briefly referred to as "Thack", forenamed in a perplexed manner trying to break the conversation into a smaller section so he would be able to follow along on what his had to speak of better.

Giving a large sigh Thack's partner, Wallace, started to speak relaying the message from the beginning," Alright, I'll make it simpler. You are T.H.A.C.K model number 012. Your code number ironically is 20-8-1-3-11. Follow that far?"

"Yeah, I got the whole I'm half frickin' machine part! Don't frickin' remind me."

"Well, you'll have to except it sooner or later. Shall I continue?"

"Go for it."

"The last of the general information is still yet to be determined which is your name, but we have to get federal recognition for that which would be dangerous ri-"

"Wait a sec! I don't have a name! What do you mean I don't have a name! What about my birth name?!"

"No records of that name is in existence. Birth certificate, passport, anything of the sort has been eliminated. We are ordered from high ranked personnel to rid of that information in the process of you 'conversion'. Most likely everything relating to the 'old' you had been forgotten and destroyed... it comes with being a weapon of war."

"But... what about your name?! Can't you just pick a name?"


"Why not?!"

Thack's companion stopped were he stood and a long silence filled the brisk cold air around them. Most likely the boy was trying to gather his thoughts together, but that was not the case.

The two teenage boys stared at each other blankly with passion seeing what each other would do next.

Bringing the conversation back to life Thack said in a tense angered mood, "Well, why not?"

Wallace started walking along the beaten dirt path again and replied, "A persons name is special is it not?... My name... my name was chosen because my homeland was destroyed. It was completely erased from history. Hmph, my homeland isn't even on a map anymore. Do you know what 'Wallace' means in its native language?"

A long irritating pause between the two paradoxical men left Thack have time to think over what his colleague was trying to say.

In a pained voice Wallace continued and said, "Wallace means 'foreigner' or 'stranger'. Heh, it's funny to think about really. My own name mocks me of my past."

Concerned on what his accomplice had to say Thack showed great interest with the subject at hand. He said nothing hoping that Wallace would continue. It took him a few moments to gather strength and courage to continue, but with the insistence of his friend he prolonged.

"Basically, my name reminds me that I will never to be able to return to my true home. I'll forever travel and stay a 'foreigner'." He said with a slightly warm smile on his pale face. He sustained his though saying pointing out into the distance, "There's town. Well, stay here 'til day break then carry on with what we came here for."
♠ ♠ ♠
This was such a filler chapter, but with every filler there's something interesting that happens in the next chapter ;D

I promise. There's gonna be a fight. Those are always fun. >:D

Comments please?