Status: Unlikely to be finished.



They do not know how the fight started or who started it, all they knew what that there was a fight going on one of the main streets in Dörsel. The boy Wallace that left the coffee shop earlier in the morning was one of the two persons engaged in the brawl. Though he did not look it from his weak appearing build he was a strong fighter. The other man, also looked young, in the fight appeared to be from of royal military status. He wore a satin blue coat that extended down to a small portion above the knee. White pieces of well designed ruffled fabric sprouted from under the sleeves of the coat, and the rest of his uniform was common for a highly ranked member of the military. A cream colored ascot was tied under the collar of his shirt and tucked under his blue uniform. His hair and body when strikingly when with the blues and whites of his outfit. His skin was as pallid as a ghosts as well as his hair. His hair was a dulled silver with black strands in the front of his head and no were else.

The two that were engaged in combat seemed to fight with all the energy they could muster together. Both of them were fighting with hand-to-hand combat for even though it did not seem that way they did not want to hurt any innocent bystanders in the surrounding area for the commoners of the town knew not to get in the two's way.

Wallace started to show some fatigue when the man from royal command's fist made contact with his stomach. Kneeling on the street he clenched the area of contact with great force and started to cough and hack. Soon enough blood formed rivers coming from his mouth down to his chin and spattered onto the ground from the painful hacking and the upward force of air from his damaged lungs from the previous fighting.

"Come now Wallace. You are not the kind of person that would give up that easily." The military officer said to Wallace as he clutched his stomach bending his back so his head would touch the terrain below him.

"Why are you here, damn it?!" The boy in pain said in a trembling voice. Continuing he said, "You know this town is under my district. Why don't you just leave?"

"No, I can't 'just leave'. Like you I, too, have to put forth my share for the government." The uninjured man said in a poisonous way walking toward his opponent. Carrying on still spitting venomous words he said crouching down to his aspirant's level, "I have been sent here to find that experimental cyborg that got free. Now, I know you operate that project and hopefully you will be cooperative and tell me were he is. It will make both of our jobs easier."

Wallace was thankful that the fight was taking place a few blocks away from the coffee shop were the young man's target was. It was just far enough.

The both of them fell silent making the Brigadier inpatient and angry. In reaction to his emotions he grabbed the injured man by the collar of his shirt and lifted him off of the ground. He still was able to see fresh blood trickling down his mouth. The sight of his face, the sight of him made him sick and filled with more anger.

Things started to get to hand-to-hand for the Brigadier and it did not entertain him as much. He drew his saber from it's scabbard from his waist and threaten the man in his arms further.

A gun shot was fired close by and startled every one in the area even the Brigadier fell into a slight fright. Soon after that a young woman jumped onto the back of the military officer trying to break his hold and set Wallace free. It did just that, but not in the manner that the young woman would have intended to happen. She forgot all about the sword in the man's hand. While Wallace was released of the man's grasp his arm swung in a manner that the saber swiftly cut into his legs and body that were trying to heal.

Wallace wailed and cried in extreme pain making his conditions only worse. The pain was so immense he would not dare to move.

He closed his eyes hoping in his sleep the pain would go away, but was interrupted as he heard another gun shot fire and listened to the Brigadier scream in acrimony, "You idiot! we can't afford to lose his life!"
♠ ♠ ♠
I will write longer chapters! I will write longer chapters! I will write longer chapters! I will write longer chapters! I will write longer chapters! I will write longer chapters! I will write longer chapters! I will write longer chapters! I will write longer chapters!