Status: Unlikely to be finished.



Wallace jolted back into reality after her heard the shot of a fire arm and hearing the Brigadier scream a complaint. His first instinct told him that he was the one that had got shot, but he felt no other pain besides the agony he was already going through.

He tried with all his strength to roll over so that he would be facing the general direction of the scene in action. His face full of dirt and bruises he looked up and saw something he wish he had not. He now understood why the Brigadier was complaining with acrimony. What he saw was a man hunched over grasping his chest with great pain in the street. Blood came forth from the wound with great force, and no force of pressure seemed to stop it's flow. Wallace's brain finally apprehended that the man that was shot him nor Katie -the young woman that approached the and jumped the Brigadier from behind- but instead it was his dear friend Stein Pierre.

"What?" the boy managed to slip through his lips, and from the sound of his voice Stein Pierre replied with a small genital smile before meeting the same position of his friend and fell unconscious. All Wallace was able to do with his power was watch his fried fall with pain and agony.

The Brigadier was in great shock and it told him a long amount of time to respond to the condition that was placed under him from his own squad unit that he had been forced upon his responsibility. The expression on his face could be described a priceless, but at a time like this neither the Brigadier nor Wallace would be cracking a joke. His whole body was shaking from fright and could only stair until he finally commanded, "Katie! That damn coffee shop of yours better be fucking ready!"

"Always is Master Cain!" Katie replied with great energy.

"Good! You there!" Brigadier General Cain Nore Junior said in a loud commanding voice pointing to a civilian, "Carry my friend, Wallace, to were ever he instructs you!"

The man nodded and took Wallace's arm and swung it around his neck so it would be easier to carry him that way seeing that the man was not completely immobilized. Cain and Katie have done the same thing to Stein and went forth the fastest way their legs would allow them to carry toward the small café. In shock, amazement, and confusion the rest of the town men continued to the routine of their normal lives.

Stein you better have had a good reason for this, but right now I only hope Katie and I will be able to pull something brilliant off! Wallace thought to himself while they traveled the streets to Katie's coffee shop.

When the group arrived at the building Katie forced all of the people, including the personnel and Thack, that remained out into the streets with her lively energetic actions. Her mood toward everything that happens in town seems to be forceful and with great zealous emotions. With her big mouth it maid her all the more lovable.

"Alright boys! Everything should be were I left them! Even the back room will be able to be used." Katie said.

"Thank you Katie." The two young men said in unison as they both scavenged their way through the empty shop looking for something that quite possible have belonged to them. Cain was positioned behind the main counter and Wallace was five booths from the door down and one table out positioned on the floor and seemed to have been knocking the wood floor below him. Cain pulled out what looked like a black suitcase from directly in front of were he was.

"Give yourself a patch job and I'll do the hard work." The Brigadier said making his way to a door with the black piece of equipment.

"Cain wait! No, I-" Wallace insisted, but interrupted.

"Look at yourself. You're a mess. You're getting blood every were. You'll be a hassle."

It was true. Tattooed in the wood new blood stains started to form in the taintless planks. It was true. In his current condition all he could do at this point was watch and wait. For he would be a burden. He had to trust Cain for the life or death of Stein Pierre. Though both of their medical skills were as close to perfect as possible, they were just mere mortals after all. They were no Gods. Not the Gods that the cyborg system had tried to make them. They were not the perfect beings that the men that created them hoped to be.
♠ ♠ ♠
I need some love.

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