Status: Under Editing. Changing much of this story. Please stay subscribed and please comment more.

The Best Friend

Chapter 10

“You know, you did a terrible job of explaining that.” I told Deck.
“Yeah, I know, but you know what I mean.”
“Not really, but whatever.” And with that we got out of the car and headed into the already full swing party. Right now the DJ was blasting Remember the Name by Fort Minor. Deck, of course being a party animal pulled me on to the dance floor.
“Have fun! You haven’t had like any fun in forever!”
“Yes I have,” I said defensively.
“Hey, what ever floats your boat, but to all of us it looks like your pretty uptight sll the time lately.” Ugh, why do my friends know me so well. Then a really cute guy came up to us.
“Uhh, hey, I’m sorry about this but my friends were wondering if you would dance with me?” he asked me nervously.
“Sure,” I said quietly.Hey, this guy was one of the cutest things ever. Keyword-one.
For a while we danced in a sort of silence. Finally he said “My name is Ryan. What’s yours?”
“Lyn. Ryan is an awesome name.” I said akwardly
He chuckled. “Thanks. So is Lyn.” When the song was over I asked to meet his friends. He agreed and we slowly made our way through the crowd trying to find his friends. When we found them they were all waiting for him. They seem shocked that I had come with him to meet them.
“Ryan, how’d it go?” a petite black haired girl asked him.
“Good. Actually she wanted to meet you guys.”
“Hello.” I said timidly. They suddenly seemed intimidating.
“Oh.” They sounded shocked. It quickly faded though. When it did the black haired girl walked right up to me.
“Hello. I’m Hannah. Welcome to our little group.” She said as she hugged me. Then she quietly whispered “Be nice to the guys. You make them nervous.”
“Thanks for the warning… I think.” I whispered back.
“Were your two gossiping about me?” Ryan asked.
“Maybe, maybe not,” Hannah answered for me.
“Don’t spill all of my secrets yet!”
“Wait, I can spill your secrets! SCORE!” Hannah did a little happy dance. It was hilarious.
“Hey, babe, want to dance?” That was what looked like Hannah’s boyfriend.
“Of course,” she gave him a peck on the cheek. When they disappeared in to the crowd I turned to Ryan.
“What’s goin’ on between them?”
“Dating, but none of us really like the guy.”
“I don’t know, he just hits us the wrong way. Metaphorically,” Ryan said.
“OH. MY. GOSH!” I said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Double digets! Now I need 2 comments before the next update. Two updates in one day, I feel good =) Tell your friends about the story, please!!!