Status: Under Editing. Changing much of this story. Please stay subscribed and please comment more.

The Best Friend

Chapter 11

“OH. MY. GOSH!” I said.

“What, are you ok?”
“Yeah, but do you have a crush on Hannah?” He merely blushed.
“You do. I’m good.” I broke out my happy dance.
“Don’t tell her! Please. I mean, I would die if you told her,” He begged me.
“Fine, I won’t. For now,” I murmured the last part playfully. Then it got awkwardly quiet.
“So… what do you want to do?” he asked
“How about we dance.” I said.
“Sure.” Just then another one of my favorite hip hop songs came on. So Ryan and I dance around, have a lot of fun. Although we quickly made our exit from the dance floor when a slow song came on. I liked him, but not that way. I’m pretty sure that Ryan felt that way too. But all in all it was like, well, a night short of perfect( and I’m sure you all can guess why it just a bit short). Ryan is really funny. He even wants to be a stand up conidian when he grows up. He really is amazing. I think I just met a new best friend. Honestly, the type that you remember and think ‘wow, we were inseperable”. It’s fun when you can have that type of relationship with someone.

I want something else, to get me through this, Semi-charmed kind of life,baby baby I want something else,
I'm not listening when you say, Good-bye.

“Nice ring tone,” Ryan commented.
“Thanks,” I mouthed before speaking into the phone. “Hello?”
“Lyn! We need you quick!” The voice at the other end said.
“Umm, who is this?”
“It’s Nick!”
“Nick, slow down. What happened?”
“Joe’s missing. I went up to see if he was in his room, and he wasn’t there. There was a bunch of pillows in his place. No note. Lyn, help. I’m worried. We leave for tour in one week.”
“Nick. You need to chill. I’ll find Joe. You focus on remaining calm and start packing for the tour. Ok?”
“Ok. Thanks Lyn. You’re the best.”
“I know,” I said, and hung up.
“What was that?” asked Ryan.
“Well, one of my friends is missing, and I need to find him. I need to find Deck.”
“Yes, Deck, another one of my friends. I need to tell her I’m looking for Joe.”
“You need help?”
“With which one? Finding Joe or finding Deck?” I asked.
“Both. Extra eyes never hurt and this party was getting boring anyway,” I knew he was lying. I knew he wanted to get away from his big crush and the fact she was making out with some one else only a few feet from him, but I would do the same thing.
“Sure.” I went off in seach of Deck, with Ryan only a few feet behind. Deck was dancing with a few of her new friends. I pulled her away and explained the situation. She instantly agreed to help me and Ryan. We were soon in a car headed to Joe’s favorite thinking spot: The park. When he wasn’t there, I wasn’t honestly surprised. Then we tried a few other place before splitting up. I headed imedatly to my tree house to see if he was there. He was.
“Joe, are you ok?” Joe jumped in surprise. He had fallen asleep, poor thing. It was cold up here.
“Joe, what’s wrong. You only come here when something’s up.”
“I was thinking and then I thought… what if… what if something happens on tour?”
“What type of thing?”
“What if I stop loving music so much?”
“Joe! You can’t worry about something like that. You just give it your all. If you stop loving it as much, then after tour you come back and try to remember what got you started in the music business. Are you sure that’s all your worried about?”
“Yup.” He mumbled.
“Listen, call your family and if you want you can sleep over tonight. Is that ok?”
“Really!” his face lit up. “Cause all everyone talks about is the tour and you can only listen for so long.” I laughed. It was so Joe like.
“Your welcome, but I have someone I want you to meet later ok?”
“Ok,” and with that we both climbed down to start one of the famous Jyn sleepovers.
♠ ♠ ♠
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