Status: Under Editing. Changing much of this story. Please stay subscribed and please comment more.

The Best Friend

Chapter 13

The first thing I noticed when I got on stage was the fact I could barely breath. “Breath, Breath. There’s no one to impress. You can do this.” I thought to myself
“One, two, three OH YEAH Went down to Mexico,
I drove my black El Camino
I met up with an old gringo
He showed me round, and said to call him Joe.
I was there about a week or so,
Wound up in the general hospital,
Joe said don't drink the water no more,
How the hell was I supposed to know?

Drove up to San Diego
Saw a sign for Mission Beach
And so, went out deep into the ocean,
Saw a shark and had a stroke.
Back in the ambulance I go,
Had a dream about a girl I used to know,
She said "I got to warn ya bout Mexico and California."

Earthquakes and sharks to start us off,
If Chupacabras ain't enough,
Black widow spiders and killer bees,
Ain't no shade and ain't no trees.
Black bears and heat, polluted air,
There's traffic jams beyond compare.
That's all I got to warn ya bout Mexico and California.

Woke up and said I got to go,
Doc said "Relax, just take it slow."
I tried to argue, but don't you know,
Bout California and Mexico?
Right then, the doctor hit the floor,
The building shook, then shook some more,
I looked down at him and swore,
"You son of a bitch! I told you so!"

Earthquakes and sharks to start us off,
If Chupacabras ain't enough,
Black widow spiders and killer bees,
Ain't no shade and ain't no trees.
Black bears and heat, polluted air,
There's traffic jams beyond compare.
That's all I got to warn ya bout Mexico and California.
”When we were done, the crowd was applauding loudly. It felt really good to know that the applause was for us and all of our hard work. The rest of the band came up and enveloped me in a huge hug. They knew how hard it was for me to stand up here and sing to the crowd was for me and they kept whispering how proud they were of me. It was the best feeling ever! I just might do this more often.
“Congratulations guys! Have you guys any ideas for your band name, because I a feeling you guys might be a great local hit.” The bar manager told us. My band turned to me with concerned looks on their face, so I responded on their behalf.
“We’ll think of one!” I replied brightly. At that they all cheered loudly and then Hannah found us.
“Great job Ryan! All of you guys did great! And Lyn! I’m sooo proud you went up there!” she gushed. Ryan blushed a light shade of pink. I laughed.
“Thanks Hannah. That means a lot to me.” Ring Ring my phone went. “Hello?”
“How did it go?” I instantly knew it was Joe. Sad? Yes, it was.
“It was AWESOME!” Hannah screamed into the phone.
“Who was that?” Joe asked. He still hadn’t met Hannah.
“That was Hannah. She is one of my new friends that I met at the party. One of Ryan’s friends.”
“Oh,” Joe sounded unhappy. He doesn’t like Ryan. I’m not sure why, because Ryan really tried to become friends when they met. “But Hannah has been brutally honest with us during practice, so if she says were good, then I guess we did awesome,” I chuckled.
“Awesome. Listen I’ve got to go. We have band practice then lock-down. Sorry, but I just thought I’d call before all that to see how you did. Talk to you as soon as I can,” He promised.
“Kk, bye,” then the line went dead.
“Who did I yell to?” Hannah asked.
“Joe Jonas,” I said simply. Hannah mean while freaked out.
“Oh! My! Gosh! I yelled at J-Joe J-Jonas! I didn’t know you knew him. Well I did, but… but I thought you all were just playing a joke, you know like ha ha, we got you and…and… Joe Jonas?” she ranted.
“Yeah. Joe Jonas. He’s actually very friendly,” I promised.
“So, so, so, you weren’t kidding when you said ‘I have a crush on Joe’ and OH MY GOSH! I know why you haven’t been happy to go on those blind dates. Wow, I’m a genius!” she finished happily.
“Yes, yes, now be quiet please.”
“Ok! When does he get off from tour and stuff.”
“Their last show is July 1st. It’s in New Jersey. Then they come home. But you all have to promise something. If you tell Joe, you all will suffer my wrath,” I said half jokingly. half.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, I have 2 stars! and 81 readers and 12 subscribers! I really appreciate that, but 9 comments for 12 subscribers? Any way, I need a band name for them. If you guys have any ideas please tell me them. Theywould be greatly loved. All the ones I came up with aren't that good. And Lyn's out fit is