Status: Under Editing. Changing much of this story. Please stay subscribed and please comment more.

The Best Friend

Chapter 5


We had figured out what was so important to the Jonases. They had been offered a chance to go on another tour, “Oh my gosh, you girls will be either really excited or kinda sad.” Joe seemed to be in a high, as in when you get really get really excited and you feel like nothing in the world can stop you.
“What?” we asked together.
“WE GOT ANOTHER TOUR!!!” They screamed.
“OH MY GOSH THAT IS GREAT!!” we screamed with them to add fun. “Wait how long is it” I added.
“Well, you see, it’s kinda another world tour. So our fans from other countries can see us.”
“Aww that’s so sweet” Danielle said. Kevin hugged her and said (he thought none of us could hear)
“That’s why you’re the best, you always know what to say,”. So…. was all that the rest of us said. Next Nick took Olivia aside to talk to her(She is his girlfriend)Liam and Maya went to talk also(They got together a few days ago). That left Joe, me, Deck, Hoops, Aza, (Taylor had left)just standing there. WE (as In remaining girls) badgered Joe for details because we knew the couples would be sharing.
“I’m not sure on all the details.”
“You must know something, GOSH, what are you good for?” That was Aza.
“Haha Aza. Ok what I know is that we start in England and go from there. Also, no opening act. Umm... Oh, it is a little less then 12 months.” Oh. My. Gosh. 12 months is a long time. Lucky for me I had gotten used to faking happiness at how long they would be gone. So this was no different, I plastered a smile on my face and said “This is a big opportunity for you guys. Congats”
“You guys aren’t gunna beg for us to stay” Joe looked suspicious of our intensions
“Joe, when have we ever done that?”
“Never, but we’ve never been on tour this long”
“We will AWAYS support you guys, because that’s what friends do.” Deck stated firmly.
“Hey guys we should go through our ‘make sure the Jonas clan/ people helping with tour wouldn’t forget our face while on tour’ plan. Guess we will just do it sooner then expected”
“Agreed” Came from Melody, Aza, Deck, Hoop, and I. Our plan you may ask, well you’ll see.
Ok, The first part of plan is simple, get our pictures taken in many outfits. But we had to drag Maya along. Why? Simple. Liam reufsed to have his picture take.
“Come on guys, it’s a chick outing thing. I won’t come”
“Fine!” Aza took out her phone and dialed a number in. “Oh hey Maya, you will never guess what we want you to help us with! You see us girls (sadly excluding Taylor) want to get a ton of professional pictures for the boys as a going away present. We want Liam to do the same for you, but he says you won’t like it and since we scheduled for exactly 8 people because we want you to come to help Liam over come this we were gunna pick you up as a surprise but now we need help. Ok. Sure. That would be awesome. Thank you.” During the conversation Liam’s eyes were bugging out. “Maya says we can pick her up in 20 minutes” By now Liam’s eyes were HUGE and we were all laughing on the floor. His eye’s were as big as quarters! Liam then got over his freeze and went after Aza. It was so funny!!
10 minutes later Liam had stopped chasing Aza and we were in the car to pick Maya up.
“Hey guys” She kissed Liam and we were on our way. When we finally got there we all piled out to meet with the photographer. Taylor knew about our plan and had pulled a few strings. Or a lot. You know whats the difference, gosh a few, a lot, psh.
“Hello ladies. What can I do for you?”
“Um we would like to meet with our photographer. We’re Taylor Swift’s friends.”
“Oh! Of course right away”
“Ah the up side of being famous” I whispered to Deck.